何榮桂Ho, Rong-Guey陳瑞敏Chen, Jui-Min2019-08-292012-7-202019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696080228%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93009目標導向線索能促進學習者的內在動機與外在動機,而學童在網路學習中需要高度的動機以提升自我調整學習,因此本研究目的為檢視在閱讀學習的Moodle環境下,提供不同目標導向線索的自我調整學習,如精熟目標導向、表現目標導向與無目標導向的三種線索,對於學習成效的影響以及自我調整行為,包括多次閱讀次數、測驗次數、測驗時間與最高得分是否有所差異,為提升學童的自我調整行為與閱讀能力之參考。 本研究採不等組前後測設計,以台北市國小六年級學生96人為受試者,分成三組進行教學實驗,實驗後以單因子變異數與共變數分析進行資料分析,研究結果如下。 一、精熟目標導向線索對學童的閱讀複習次數、多次測驗時間可達顯著影響。 二、表現目標導向線索對學童的多次測驗次數、時間與最高得分可達顯著影響;其在多次測驗次數、時間與最高得分有逐漸增加的現象,顯示較願意增進自我調整學習。 三、精熟目標導向與表現目標導向線索對學童的閱讀能力可達顯著成效。The cues of goal orientation enhance intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and students need high motivation to promote their self-regulated learning on web-based learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence on learning effects and difference of self-regulated behavior, including numerous reading times, testing times, testing time and the highest score, when students studied reading on Moodle through different cues of goal orientation such as mastery goal orientation, performance goal orientation and non-goal orientation. The study can be reference for promoting students’ self-regulated behavior and reading ability. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest group design was used with 657 participants of three classes of the sixth grade at an elementary school in Taipei City. After the experiment, data analysis was adopted one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA. There were three conclusions as follows. 1. The cue of mastery goal orientation had significant influences on numerous reading times and testing time for elementary school students. 2. The cue of performance goal orientation had significant influences on numerous testing times, testing time and the highest score for elementary school students; these slight increases indicated that they were willing to promote their self-regulated learning. 3. The cues of mastery and performance goal orientation had significant effects on reading ability for elementary school students.目標導向線索Moodle自我調整網路閱讀the cues of goal orientationMoodleself-regulationweb-based readingMoodle平台上目標導向線索對學童自我調整行為與閱讀能力之影響Effects of Cues of Goal Orientation on Self-regulated Behavior