張千惠陳富樺2019-08-282023-10-242019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595091201%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91648本研究的目的有二: 一、探討視障按摩師的看法 二、探討視障按摩師的就業因應 對此,提出四個研究問題: 一、受訪的視障按摩師對自身從事按摩業及該釋憲案有何看法? 二、受訪的視障按摩師受過的專業訓練及就業經歷? 三、大法官釋憲案後,受訪的視障按摩師受到哪些影響?有何因應? 四、受訪的視障按摩師在從事按摩業時需要哪些就業協助使其從事按摩業時能更順利 本研究為質性研究,針對三位視障按摩師及其家人,利用訪談大綱進行深度訪談,以瞭解視障按摩師的看法及就業因應。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、受訪的視障按摩師對自身從事按摩業的看法主要經歷三個階段,包括調適與接受從事按摩、實際接受職業訓練後逐漸改變對按摩的觀感及建立內在意義繼續從事按摩。對釋憲案的看法主要有三種,包括持反對立場、認為開放與否已無沒太大差別及不反對但需擬好配套。 二、視障按摩師的專業訓練及就業經歷包括職前按摩訓練並在職進修有助工作表現;受僱他人磨練自己;仔細評估決定創業。 三、釋憲案對視障按摩師的就業影響有正面影響及負面影響;其就業因應則分為消極面及積極面。 四、視障按摩師就業的相關需求主要有資金籌措方面、宣傳廣告方面、法律改善方面及職業訓練方面 本研究歸納研究發現,提出對視障按摩師、政府相關單位、按摩職業訓練相關單位及未來研究提出建議。This study has two purposes: 1. To Investigate the blind massagists’ views. 2. To Investigate t the blind massagists’coping about employment. In this regard, four research questions are proposed: 1.What are the respondents of the blind massagists when they are on their own massage business and what are their views about the Case 649? 2.What are the blind massagists’professional massage training and employment experience? 3.After the Grand Justices Interpretation Case 649,what do the blind massagists be affected? What are their strategies to cope? 4.What assistances do they need to make their massage business smoothly? This study is a qualitative research, for the three blind massagists and their families, using the depth interviews to understand the views of the blind massagists and employment response. The main results of this study are below: 1.The respondents engaged the blind massagists massage business on their own views mainly through three stages, including adaptation and acceptance in massage, practical vocational training for massage after gradually changed the perception of inner meaning and the establishment continue to engage in massage. their views about the Grand Justices Interpretation Case 649 are three, including the opposition, that is no big difference is no longer open or not, and do not oppose but need to be a good package. The blind massagists professional training and employment 2.Pre-employment training and job training help their massage work performance; others hone their employment; carefully evaluate decided entrepreneurship. 3.The petitioner for the blind massagists have a positive impact onthe employment effects and adverse effects; their employment in response to the positive side and the negative side is divided into. 4.The blind massagists employment-related needs are mainly financing of, advocacy advertising, legal aspects and vocational training to improve. Based on these results, this thesis is ended with some suggestion according to the findings in this research to the blind massagists and the government and there will be research in this field.視覺障礙視障按摩師司法院釋字第649號解釋案視障按摩師看法就業因應the blindthe blind massagiststhe Grand Justices Interpretation Case 649the blind massagists’ viewscoping about employment司法院釋字第649號解釋案後視障按摩師的看法與就業因應之探究The Study of the view and coping of the blindmassagists after the Grand Justices Interpretation Case 649