郭靜姿游健弘Yu Chien-Hong2019-08-282003-8-292019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000374%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91949本研究旨在探討以修訂de Bono所設計之CoRT創造力課程對國小資優班學生語文創造能力之 教學成效。研究設計採用「不等組前-後測實驗設計」,以台北市兩所國小五年級資優班學 生為研究對象。針對實驗組進行十周的實驗教學。研究工具包括:新編語文創造思考測驗 、創意短文寫作、創造思考策略運用紀錄表、教學回饋問卷、創意手札。評量所得之結果 以共變量分析及次數百分比加以探討。 根據結果,主要發現如下: 壹、在新編語文創造思考測驗方面: 實驗組在流暢力之後測成績顯著優於前測。而以共變數分析之結果,實驗組在獨創力成績 顯著優於對照組;在變通力成績則無顯著差異。 貳、在語文創造活動方面: 實驗組與對照組之後測成績沒有顯著差異。 參、在創造思考策略運用方面: 實驗組在進行創意短文寫作時,大多有運用某項策略進行創意活動,不曾出現隨意幻想的 情形。在使用策略的比例上,實驗組的各項策略使用比例差距較小,幾乎每項策略都能平 均使用,而對照組則大多集中在少數策略,尤其是隨意幻想佔了近百分之四十。 肆、實驗組對課程之感受與回饋: 大部分學生對CoRT創造力教學持肯定的態度,認為學習後的收穫有: 1. 學習到創造思考的技巧並且能應用。 2. 發現自己的進步與改變。 3. 不過也有學生認為自己的進步不多,因為自己本身就缺乏創造力。 伍、實驗組接受CoRT創造力課程後在日常生活中的運用情形 學生在生活上的應用,其適用的情境包含了創新設計、產生靈感、做決定、解決衝突、解 決問題、修正等。學生也能因著不同的情境運用不同的策略,產生令人滿意的結果。This study aimed to investigate the effects of the de Bono’s CoRT program on primary school gifted students’ linguistic creativity. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was applied to examine how the ten-week courses affect students’ ability of linguistic creativity. The subjects of this study involved thirty fifth grade gifted students from two elementary schools in Taipei city. Instruments used were: (1) New linguistic creativity test; (2) Creative essay writing; (3) Creative thinking process record; (4) Feedback questionnaire and (5) Creative note. The data were analyzed by ANCOVA and frequency ratio analyses. The important results are as follows: I. In terms of fluency, the experiment group makes a remarkable progress after the program. The result of ANCOVA also indicates that the scores of originality in the experiment group are significantly better than in the control group. As for the flexibility, there is no notable difference between the two groups. II. Regarding the creative essay writting, there is no significant different between the two groups. III. Most students of experiment group could apply some tactics in writing essays, and no case of unrestrained thinking is found. Furthermore, almost every tactic is evenly employed in the experiment group, while in the control group tactics used are limited, of which forty percent fall in the unrestrained thinking category. IV. Most experiment group students give positive responses to CoRT, and express what they have gained from it: 1.the apprehension and application of the techniques of creative thinking; 2.perception of one’s own progress and change. Given the above two, some students still feel that they do not progress much due to the innate weakness in creativity. V. The experiment group students have also developed capacities that apply to various situations in daily lives: creative design, inspiration stimulating, decision-making, dispute settlement, problem solving…etc. They could employ different tactics to cope with different situations, and thus achieve satisfying results.認知研究信託方案資優生語文創造力創造思考CoRTgifted studentlinguistic creativitycreative thinkingCoRT創造思考教學對國小資優班學生語文創造能力學習成效之研究A Study of the Effects of the de Bono’s CoRT Program on Primary School Gifted Students’ Linguistic Creativity