廖邕Liao, Yung何旻臻Ho, Min-Chen2020-12-142020-06-302020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006053101%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110046為促進國民整體健康,衛生主管機關需制定健康政策並透過健康傳播促使大眾知曉,其所發布之健康信息,亦為新聞媒體的主要消息來源,而新聞稿一直是公共關係之溝通的重要工具之一,過去顯少有研究為針對衛生主管機關之新聞稿內容分析,因此本研究之目的期在了解與探討以臺灣衛生主管機關,所發布之新聞稿內容現況及特徵。 本研究以臺北市政府衛生局2018年所發布之新聞稿為研究範圍,共計302則新聞稿為研究對象進行內容分析,將質性的文字資料編碼後轉化為量化資料,分析結果如下: 一、新聞稿基本資料分析:新聞稿發布之月份以8月則數最多,佔10.9%;新聞稿內容多數無針對特定性別及特定族群進行宣導,分別佔98.3%及73.5%;篇幅字數以大於901字為多數,佔45%。 二、新聞稿特徵分析:新聞稿之類型多數為單一類型,以「食品藥物及化妝品安全衛生」類型比例最多,佔35.4%;消息引用來源方面,高達96.4%的新聞稿皆有引用消息來源,並以引用雙重消息來源為多數,佔44.0%;在新聞稿訊息內容傳達部分,以單一訊息內容傳達以「資訊提供、揭露、傳遞」為最多,佔60.3%。 研究結果發現所分析之新聞稿樣本中針對特定性別進行宣導之比例極少,且新聞稿以「食品藥物及化妝品安全衛生」類型為大宗,因此依據本研究結果,建議增加特定目標性別之比例及運用新媒體分析閱聽者的背景資料,而發布新聞稿之類型亦可著重於長期照護、心理衛生等近年來逐漸備受關注之新聞稿議題,提供臺北市政府衛生局未來新聞稿發布方向之參考。To promote national health, there is an urgend need for health authorities to develop health policies and promote public awareness through health communication. Health information released by health authorities has been recognized as one of the important tools for public relationship. However, to the best our knowledge, limited studies have used content analysis to analyze press release from health authority. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand the current status and characteristics of the press releases issued by Taiwan ’s health authority. This study aimed to analyze press release issued by the Department of Health, Taipei City Government in 2018, using a content analysis for total 302 press releases. The results showed as below: (1)Basic information of press release: The number of press releases was highest in August (10.9%). Most of press releases were not gender-specific (98.3%) or targeting on specific groups (73.5%). The length of words for most studies were more than 901 words (45%). (2)Characteristics of press release: Most of press release were single type and most of theme was related to “Food, Drug and Cosmetic Safety” (35.4); 96.4% of press releases had quoted sources, with 44.0% of them cited dual sources; The majority of press releases were single-message content (60.3%) and mainly focused on “information, disclosure, transmission”. This study found that in the press releases, there were fewer gender-specific publicity, and mainly focused on the type of “food, drug, and cosmetics safety”. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the gender-specific press releases, and use the new media to analyze the background information of the audience, as well as focus on the type of “long-term care”, “mental health” and other press release issues, which have already received increasing attention in recent years. These findings can provide a reference for the future press releases issued by Department of Health, Taipei City Government.內容分析新聞稿基本資料新聞稿特徵衛生主管機關content analysisbasic information of press releasecharacteristics of press releasehealth authority臺灣衛生主管機關新聞稿內容分析-以2018年臺北市政府衛生局發布之新聞稿為例Content Analysis of Press Release from Taiwan Health Authority – A Case Study from Press Release Issued by The Department of Health, Taipei City Government in 2018