鄭超仁羅煜凱Lo, Yuh Kai2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060648022S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/112029本論文為研究基於數位全像顯微術(digital holographic microscopy)和全像激發系統的(holographic pumping system)的量測方法為生物醫學樣品提供一種新穎的量測技術-數位全像斷層多模式切面造影(Sectional multimodality digital holographic tomography, SM-DHT)技術,該技術可以量測及分析樣品內的折射率分布和樣品切面的螢光影像。 其中基於對數位全像系統(DHM system)及螢光成像系統之三維解析度分析,以及量化的將兩者三維座標軸連結,我們提出了完整連結兩系統的方法,並根據此方法設計出可主動的根據樣品的三維位置進行螢光掃描成像的系統。 最後透過生物樣品進行實際量測,這是第一次量測及驗證人類白血病單核細胞株(THP-1)在流體介質中的折射率和螢光切面影像的關聯。This study presents a novel sectional multimode tomographic imaging technique for biomedical samples using an activated holographic pump and probe scheme based on digital holographic microscopy, in which the sectional image of refractive index distribution and fluorescence inside the sample can be measured and analyzed. To accomplish the activated holographic pump and probe, the target-linking between object plane and pumping plane has been analyzed based on the coordinate transfer from digital holographic reconstruction to pumping points designing in computer generated holograms. The resolution of the pump and probe system also theoretically discussed to achieve the precise pumping at specific object plane. The sectional image of excitation fluorescence information from each pumping point can thus be obtained to analyze with the tomographic image from holographic imaging system. It is the first time that the sectional image of refractive index fluorescence of Human leukemia monocytic THP-1 in a fluid medium is measured and verified.數位全像顯微術數位全像斷層術光束掃描螢光顯微鏡電腦全像術digital holographic microscopydigital holographic tomographicbeam rotationfluorescence microscopycomputer generated hologram基於主動全像激發與探測之數位全像斷層切面多模式造影Sectional multimodality imaging in digital holographic tomography based on activated holographic pump and probe approach