邱貴發CHAOU, Guey-Fa黃意潔HUANG, Yi-Jie2019-08-292016-7-112019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060008020E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92838本研究設計一個排序演算法的遊戲,探討五專生及高中生使用該遊戲的學習成效、學習態度及對程式設計的學習態度。 本研究採準實驗設計,五專生分成動畫組23人,使用排序動畫、遊戲組24人,使用排序遊戲學習排序演算法。高中生分成動畫組42人、遊戲組41人,五專生曾經修過程式設計課程,而高中生僅學過Scratch。所有參與學生先前皆未學過排序演算法。以前測、後測成績檢證五專學生的學習成效。以後測成績檢證高中學生的學習成效。對於五專生及高中生皆以問卷的數據歸納學生對學習程式設計與遊戲式學習排序演算法的態度,以及對遊戲設計的滿意度。 研究結果顯示,對於資訊相關科系的五專生,動畫組與遊戲組學生於成效測驗上都有顯著的進步,但兩組間無顯著差異。對於高中生,使用遊戲學習的學生學習成效優於使用動畫學習的學生。態度方面,不論是資訊相關科系的五專生或是高中生,使用遊戲學習的學生對於程式設計學習的態度以及遊戲式學習排序演算法的態度都持正向的看法。The purpose of this research was to develop a sorting learning game for junior college and high school students, and to examine its impact on students’ sorting concepts learning. Attitude toward the game and attitude toward programming learning were also investigated. Research used quasi-experiment design. Students were divided into two groups, animation group uses a sorting animation, and gaming group uses a sorting game to learn sorting. Neither group of student has any prior knowledge about sorting concept. Data sources are collected from achievement test and attitude survey. For junior college students, the research results indicate that both gaming and animation groups the significant improvement on the achievement test, but have no difference between groups. For high school students, the research results indicate that students' performance using sorting game were better than student performance using sorting animation. According to the survey, junior college and high school students have positive attitudes toward the use of sorting game, and both junior college and high school students hold positive attitude toward the programming learning.遊戲排序演算法視覺化排序演算法學習遊戲程式設計學習態度gamessorting visualizationsorting learning gamingprogramming learning attitude遊戲式排序教學對五專生及高中生排序演算概念之影響Effects of Game-Supported Sorting Instruction on Junior College and High School Students’ Sorting Concepts Learning