陳怡君王穎2014-10-272014-10-272000-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/7176自1991年11月五1994年3月在台灣東部瓦拉米地區對3隻雄性及1隻雌性台灣山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)進行無線電追蹤,結果顯示山羌在一日當中有49.4%的時間處於活動狀態,每日的活動期在3至8次之間,以5次最常見,兩相鄰活動期高峰的間隔時間在2至9個小時間,平均為4.08±1.58小時,白天的活動高峰間隔時間明顯短於夜間(3.63±1.31 vs. 4.46±1.69, t-test,p<0.05);活動高峰出現的時間以17時及6時的記錄機會最高,出現機率最低者為19時,活動模式呈現晨昏活動偏日行性的型式,晨昏活動高峰於日出後及日落前出現。冬季時山羌之活動程度較低,無顯著差異,天候對山羌之活動程度亦無顯著的影響。From November 1991 to March 1994, the activity of 3 male and 1 female Formosan muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus) was recorded from radio-tracking in the forest at Walami Area of eastern part of Taiwan. The result showed that the amount of time spent active was 49.4%. From 3 to 8 active peaks could be found on any given day. However, 5 was the most common one. Time interval between active peaks varied from 2 to 9 hours and the average interval was 4.08 ± 1.58 hr. Interval time between peaks during the day was significantly shorter than that of night time (3.63± l.31 vs. 4.46± 1.69, t-test, p<0.05). The highest percent occurrence of active peak was at 17 and 6 hr. of an average day, while the lowest was found at 19 hr. The activity budget of this species demonstrated a daylight dominant crepuscular pattern. The peak activities coincided with sunrise and sunset. Yet no significant effects on activity pattern could be found from seasonal and climatic changes.山羌活動臺灣MuntjacActivityTaiwan瓦拉米地區臺灣山羌之活動模式Activity Pattern of Formosan Muntjac at Walami Area