江柏煒Chiang, Bo-Wei趙于琁Chao, Yu-Hsuan2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060583004I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109861本文以梁實秋故居為研究場域,旨在研究梁實秋故居之歷史文化脈絡,並由問卷調查了解參觀過梁實秋故居之觀眾對展示之需求,調查結果發現觀眾期望能有更多關於多媒體資訊設備,因此本研究以虛擬實境技術再現梁實秋故居,有別於過去靜態圖像展示陳列,對故居展示提供新的呈現方式。 雲和街的雅舍是梁實秋來臺的第一個職務宿舍,也是梁實秋在臺灣居住的眾多居所中碩果僅存的一棟,文化資產保存法訂定後,使具有歷史價值意義的文化資產備受重視,而梁實秋故居屬紀念建築,在2003年12月24日被臺北市政府文化局指定為歷史建築,日治時期為臺北高等學校之教職員宿舍,1930年是富田義介之居所,光復後為省立師範學院宿舍,曾經居住於此之學者前後依序為張儒林、梁實秋及甯杼等。 梁實秋於西元1952至1959年居住於此,在這七年時間產出大量聞名遐邇的作品,因此這棟歷史建築別具意義,雖然被指定為歷史建築,但因為年久失修,所以外觀斷垣殘壁。而在2010年臺灣師範大學開始進行修復工程,2011年完工,2012年三月開放參觀。 近年來古蹟與歷史建築的保存,成為重要的研究議題。適當的再利用、活化,可以有效保存建築風貌,創造額外之附加價值,研究者發現故居內部的展示缺少互動設備,以靜態展示為主,而透過觀眾對於展示需求之調查,發現觀眾期望故居展示提供有關數位化之呈現方式。 現今是資訊科技普及的時代,歷史建築數位化有助於輔助傳統圖像展示陳列,能使保存紙本資料更為便利、歷史建築保存趨於完整,讓博物館展示有更多層面之表現方式,不再是靜態文物陳列,而是多感官環境的參觀體驗。The residence which located in Yunhe Street was the first employee dormitory for Shih-Chiu Liang to teach when he came to Taiwan. In the meanwhile, the former residence was the only building that still existed compared to other residences that Mr. Liang once lived in. After the establishment of Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, more and more historic sites have gained international recognitions. In addition, the former residence of Shih-Chiu Liang designated as a historic site by the Cultural Bureau of Taipei Municipal Government on December 24, 2003 and become one of memorial buildings in Taiwan. The residence not only utilized for faculty quarters during the Japanese Colonial Period, but also the residence of Tomida Gisuke’s in 1930. The residence subsequently became Provincial Teachers College Dormitory after the Recession of Taiwan, especially for some of scholars to live in, including Ju-Lin Chang, Shih-Chiu Liang, Zhu Ning and so on. Shih-Chiu Liang published multiple well-known literary works while living in the residence from 1952 to 1959, therefore, the building has profound historical significant meanings. Although the residence was assigned as historic site, the appearance of residence still looks like ruins due to long-term disrepair. Furthermore, National Taiwan Normal University started to repair in 2010 and end the work in 2011, in order to open to visitors on March, 2012. In recent years, conserving historic sites become an essential issue for scholars to take forward research on related studies. To conserve the historic site’s appearance effectively and create additional value, it cannot be underestimated of reuse and reactivation properly. I found that the internal display of residence is lack of interactive equipment and choose to show statically. However, according to the process of investigating target audience’s requirements, the visitors are looking forward to provide digital and virtual presentation. Owing to the technology advances in current society, it benefits the digitization of historic sites to assist traditional image display, as well as enables to conserve both paper works and buildings more easily and completely. The study allows museums to demonstrate through various perspectives, so as to bring more sensitive experiences about the visiting environment, instead of exhibiting the static state only. With the abovementioned issues, the research aims to focus on the historical and cultural connections of Shih-Chiu Liang’s residence. Moreover, the study will apply virtual reality technology based on the questionnaire collections to represent Mr. Liang’s former residence and rebuild a brand new image.文化資產梁實秋故居數位展示歷史建築Cultural assetsLiang, Shih-Chiu's Former Residencedigital displayhistorical building再現梁實秋故居:歷史現場的保存及虛擬展示Representation of Liang, Shih-Chiu's Former Residence: A study of Conservation and Virtual Display of Historic Site