許殷宏蔡秋明Tsai, Chiu Ming2019-08-282016-08-012019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699000217%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90248 班級主要的兩大主體為教師及學生,而師生互動為一動態及複雜之歷程,教師帶著自身的性別觀到教育現場中,表現在教學行為及班級經營上。本研究係從教師之性別觀談起,瞭解其形成之背景脈絡,以作為師生互動情境分析之依據,接著描繪教師與學生在班級事務、行為管教、課堂教學、課業指導、課外活動以及同儕互動上之互動過程,最後探討其對學生所造成之影響與衝擊。 本研究採質性研究取向,以參與觀察、訪談及文件分析之方法進行,選擇台灣北部一所國小五年級班級為研究對象。本研究所得之研究結論如下: 一、教師性別觀的形塑是一個連續、動態的過程,深受成長背景的影響。 二、教師性別觀與教育實踐有著關聯性,展現出對待男女學生不公平之處。 三、教師性別觀對學生造成影響,形成女強男弱之同儕關係。 四、封閉的教室、一成不變的教學是阻礙教師性別平等意識實踐的關鍵因素 。 五、家庭教育對性別關係的影響固然不可忽略,但學校教育則扮演更積極關鍵的角色。 最後,根據研究發現與結論,分別對性別平等教育發展與後續研究,提出進一步之建議。 Teachers and students are two major members in a class. The interaction between teachers and students is a dynamic and complicated process, and teacher’ s gender perspective will be reflected in their teaching behaviors. This study aims at investigating the reasons for teacher’ s gender perspective, analyzing how teacher interacts with students in class management, disciplinary styles, classroom teaching, schoolwork guidance, extra-curricular activities, and peer interaction, and discussing the impact of teacher’ s gender perspective in teaching. This study adopts qualitative research method. The objects are fifth graders in an elementary school in North Taiwan, and the findings of the study are as follows: 1. The shaping of teacher’ s gender perspective is a continuous and dynamic process, influenced deeply by the background of growth. 2. Teacher’ s gender perspective is associated with education practice, and shows in the unfair treatment for male and female students. 3. With the different treatment for students, it results in the consequence that male students are weaker than female ones. 4. Closed classrooms and limited teaching are key factors to hinder teacher’ s awareness of gender perspective. 5. The attitudes and behaviors developed from family background will change with the influence of teaching. Finally, based on the findings and conclusions, this study will provide some suggestions of gender equity education for further research.性別觀師生互動gender perspectiveteacher-student interaction教師性別觀與師生互動之探究-以一所國小五年級班級為例