杞昭安劉孟慈Liu, Meng-Tzu2019-08-282018-09-282019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005091309%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91318本研究旨在討論桃園市公立國小特教教師職務輪調與職業倦怠之相關研究,採用調查研究法進行研究,研究地區為桃園市各區公立國小,研究對象為該校同時設置集中式特教班與分散式資源班之國小特教教師,使用「職務輪調認知量表」與「教師職業倦怠量表」做為研究工具。本研究總計發出254份問卷,有效問卷216份,回收率為85%,研究所得之問卷資料利用SPSS 23進行描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後比較與積差相關進行考驗。統整之結論如下: 一、國小特教教師對職務輪調機制屬認同 二、國小特教教師職業倦怠感受為中等程度 三、國小特教教師職務輪調機制在任教年資與任教班型上有差異 四、任教6至10年之國小特教教師在職業倦怠感受程度較高,16年以上之國小特教教師在職業倦怠感受程度最低。 五、國小特教教師職務輪調機制與職業倦怠具顯著相關。 根據研究結果,可提供給各級學校與行政機關、特教教師及後續研究做為參考。The purpose of this study was to discuss the research on the rotation and job burnout of public education teachers in Taoyuan City. The research was conducted by the survey research. The area of research was the public elementary school of each district in Taoyuan City. The subject of this survey was the special education teacher that working at special education classes and resource classes. Using the "Turning Rotation Cognitive Scale" and the "Teacher Burnout Scale" as research tools. A total of 252 questionnaires were issued, 216 valid questionnaires were collected, and the response rate was 85%. The questionnaires obtained from the study used SPSS 23 for descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t test, one-way analysis, Scheffé posteriori comparison and product moment correlation. The conclusions of the integration as followings: 1.The elementary school special education teachers agree with the job rotation mechanism. 2.The elementary school special education teacher's job burnout feeling is moderate. 3.The rotation mechanism of the special education teachers has differences in practical experience and teaching class. 4.Special education teachers who teach for 6 to 10 years have a higher level of burnout feeling, and the special education teachers who have teach for 16 years or more have the lowest level of burnout feeling. 5. The rotation mechanism of special education teachers is significantly related to occupational burnout. According to the research results, it can be provided as a reference for schools and administrative agencies, special education teachers and follow-up studies at all levels.國小特教教師職務輪調職業倦怠special education teachers in elementary schooljob rotationburnout特教教師職務輪調及職業倦怠之研究—以桃園市國小特教教師為例A Study on the Job Rotation and Burnout of Special Education Teachers:the example of Special Education Teachers of Taoyuan Elementary School