邱銘心Chiu, Ming-Hsin高秀美Kao, Hsiu-Mei2019-08-282018-07-172019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005153115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88979「特殊教育發展」是評斷國家教育是否進步的重要準則之一,然而特教教師經數年特教專業師資培育,在面對身心障礙類型及輕重程度上個別差異均很大的身障特教學生,單靠職前教育無法完全掌控教學活動的進行。除特教資源中心及輔導團的協助外,各種特教網站、特教研習、特教資訊講座也提供特教教師實質的支援來強化特教教師專業知能與汲取新知,足見特教教師資訊行為的重要性。 本研究以Dervin的意義建構理論(Sense-Making Theory)為基模,以微刻時序訪談(Micro-Moment Timeline Interview)和中立式提問(Neutral Questioning)為研究方法,訪談臺北市和新北市15位國小資源班特教教師。以瞭解特教教師在教學歷程的時序中發生問題,無法完成教學活動設計的「情境」,自覺原有的能力、材料、資訊不足,未能提供充足的資源供應所需,為資訊不連續性而形成的「鴻溝」。特教教師產生資訊需求而查詢各種「資訊來源管道」尋求所需的「資訊類型」,最終將所尋求到的資訊進行調整、修改或直接取用,因而產生對個體的「使用」意義。所有對資訊的使用都是特教教師針對問題情境做出反應,目的是要填補資訊缺口或解決教學問題。因此,本研究的研究目標為瞭解特教教師的問題情境、資訊鴻溝、資訊尋求及資訊的使用和幫助。 本研究發現受訪者在教學歷程中遭遇特教專業資訊需求、教材教法資訊需求、輔導管教資訊需求、人際溝通資訊需求、行政支援資訊需求、特殊棘手問題等六大面向的資訊不足問題使得教學受到阻礙無法順利行進,經由心靈感受、認知思考、尋求行動三個面向的資訊尋求過程,由自製資訊管道、人際網絡管道、研習進修管道、具體場域管道、網路媒體管道、資訊偶遇等來源獲取資訊。歷經資訊處理、資訊保存、資訊整理、資訊分享的資訊使用過程後,得到心靈感知的成長、特教專業的幫助、教學工作的幫助、教學成果的提昇、輔導管教的幫助、人際關係的幫助、行政支援業務的幫助及其他影響。The “development of special education” is one of the important criteria for evaluating education level of one country. However, even a well-trained special education teacher still may not be able to control the teaching progress when students in class are with largely different types or degrees of disability. On the other hand, in addition to the special education resource center and guidance group, teachers may also receive various assistance from websites, seminars, and lectures as well, which enhance their proficiency and provide new knowledge. These indicate the importance of the information behavior of special education teachers. The “Micro-Moment Timeline Interview” and “Neutral Questioning” are introduced as the research methods, and “Dervin's Sense-Making Theory” is applied as the basis through this study. In this study, we interviewed 15 special education teachers in the National Elementary Resource School in Taipei and New Taipei City. Issues such as, the “situation” of the incompleteness design of teaching in the teaching process, self-awareness of insufficiency in ability, materials or information, “gaps” of information discontinuity resulting from failure to provide sufficient resources are investigated. Due to the need of information, special education teachers will attempt to seek the “resources” in order to find “information in different types”, and eventually adjust, modify, or directly use the obtained information. This pattern generates the meaning of “use.” All the use of information is the special teachers’ reaction to problems or situations, which is meant to fill the gap of information discontinuity or to solve the problems in teaching. Therefore, the goal of this study is to understand the “problem or situation”, “information gap”, “information seeking” and “use of information” of special education teachers. In this study, it is revealed that teaching progress will be hindered due to the followig six major types of information insufficiency: special education expertise information needs, instruction information needs, student coaching information needs, interpersonal communication information needs, administrative support information needs and special thorny problem. The information seeking process will be subsequently performed in three facets, which are affective feeling, cognitive thinking and action seeking. Then useful information can be acquired through self-made information source, interpersonal network information source, studytraining information source, internet media information source, information encountering. After information processing, information saving, information organizing, information sharing, one will receive increasing mind perception, the assistance of special education expertise, ability of instruction, student coaching, interpersonal communication, administrative support, other influence. Thus, it can get helpful the future teaching .意義建構理論特教教師資訊行為Sense-Making TheorySpecial Education TeacherInformation Behavior由意義建構理論探討特教教師的資訊行為Exploring Information Behavior of Special Education Teachers: A Sense-Making Perspective