周賢彬王慧鈴Wang, Hui-Ling2020-10-192025-08-182020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007682121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111428最近幾年,室內設計業界開始出現越來越多的工業風設計案,肇因於工業風經常運用裸露建築物原貌的設計手法,使得空間呈現出自然原始的氛圍,而其簡潔俐落的線條亦能節約木作工程預算,尤令年輕族群趨之若鶩;另一方面,台灣在邁入高齡社會後,眾多年長者隨著生理機能的節節衰退,生活步調趨向簡單規律,居住空間亦無須以大量木作工程堆疊華麗的造型或裝飾,而是以簡單實用的安全住宅為首要考量。本研究企盼在工業風盛行及高齡化社會的背景下,打造與時俱進的適老住宅,透過文獻探討及國內外案例分析,所得到的研究結果進行設計創作,設計創作分為平面配置圖及工業風格表現兩個部分,在平面動線規劃上將無障礙空間之尺度融入空間當中,而在工業風格表現技巧上,則是以多種中和及平衡工業風所帶來較冰冷的視覺感受之方式,打造出適合年長者居住的工業風格空間,希望在未來,工業風於年長者空間的運用更為廣泛,不再侷限於年輕族群,甚至能成為年長者居住空間的參考風格之一。For the past few years, more and more industrial style cases appeared in interior design. The industrial style design skills expose the original appearance of the architecture thus making the space present a nature and primitive atmosphere. Besides, the use of concise lines and shapes are helpful to lower the cost of carpenter work. Young generations are now attracted for the reasons mentioned above. Taiwan is an aging society, with the declining physiological functions of the elder, the pace of life tends to be simple and regular. Gorgeous shapes or decorations with a lot of carpenter work are unnecessary for the elder. Instead, a simple and practical safe residence is more appropriate.The purpose of this study was to build up a residence that is suitable for the elder. Design was based on literature review coupled with domestic and foreign case studies. The study was divided into two parts; floor plan design and industrial style practical implementation. For building up an industrial style space for the elder, firstly, a barrier-free environment was considered in the floor plan, and then a variety of design elements were employed to neutralize the cold visual experience originated from industrial style. Hopefully, with the effort presented in this study, industrial style interior design would attract more research attention and becomes a feasible choice in the elder's residence design.年長者工業風住宅空間elderindustrial styleresidencespace工業風格應用於年長者住宅空間設計研究Study of Industrial Style Residential Space for the Elder