何晨卉Chen-Hui Ho2016-05-062016-05-062015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78393本文以國中八年級「創意閱讀與寫作社團」的31位學生為研究對象,以激發學生創意,使學生樂於寫作,進而提升寫作能力為目的,透過教師的引導,進行教學研究與實作。本文指出當前閱讀寫作教學的現況,根據現況開設社團及設計課程,並以「多采多姿的生活」為主題,實際規劃4堂創意閱讀與寫作教學課程,透過課程的引導激發學生的創意,使學生懂得留心觀察生活周遭的事物,豐富寫作素材。教師利用課後回饋單,可暸解學生上課後的成受;透過學生作品的分析,可掌握學生寫作的能力。In this paper, Junior Grade "Creative Reading and Writing Societies" thirty one student for the study, in order to stimulate students' creativity, to enable students to be happy writing, and thus enhance the writing skills for the purpose, through the guidance of teachers, teaching research and implementation . This paper points out the current status of teaching reading and writing, according to the status of open societies and design courses, with "colorful life" as the theme, the actual planning of four creative reading and writing curriculum, through curriculum guide stimulate students' creativity, to enable students to understand the things around carefully observe life, rich writing material. After-school teachers to use feedback alone, after class, the students can understand the feelings; through the analysis of student work, can grasp the students' writing ability.閱讀寫作社團閱讀寫作教學readingwritingcommunityteaching reading and writing「創意閱讀與寫作教學社團』教學研究與實作以--「多采多姿的生活」主題為例Instructional Research and Practice of “Creative Reading and Writing Societies" : the “Colorful Life" as an Example