曾肅良 博士Dr. Tseng Su-Liang楊倖宜Yang Hsing-Yi2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094603222%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114896享有「台灣野獸派鼻祖」美名的張萬傳,其作品以及創作態度及理念在藝術史上有相當的價值及重要性。從整個時代來看,相較於在當時已經具有相當現代感的陳澄波和李梅樹,張萬傳更像是迎頭趕上且帶來新氣象的前衛畫家。他所創辦的MOUVE畫會,作品風格及展覽方式創新,現代藝術的蓬勃與他們息息相關。張萬傳熱情、有力量的繪畫方式,明快大膽,獨具風格,強烈的色彩、瀟灑狂放的筆觸,以及繪畫元素的掌握方式,例如:光線、線條及空間的處理,都與當時的畫家有很大的不同。他的人體系列作品,對五官不加以描寫、以色塑型而成的渾圓飽滿人體,交織成充滿張力的畫面。本論文藉由可信度高的一手資料深入了解張萬傳的人體繪畫風格及藝術成就,並歸納分析出具有說服力且客觀不偏頗的研究結果,建立可信的圖檔、數據庫以方便日後鑑定,讓世人能對這位藝術家的繪畫風格及創作技巧有更深的認識。Widely known as “the pioneer of Formosan Fauvism”, Wan-chuang Chang’s works and creative attitude have gained considerable significance and values in the history of Art. By observing the entire time, comparing with Cheng-bo Chen and May-shu Li, Chang is more like an avant-garde artist with a fresh and new style. Chang has founded MOUVE Association which displayed innovated styles of works as well as creative modes of exhibitions. This association has attributed to the prosperous development of modern art. Chang’s passionate and powerful drawing style exhibits a bold and unique expression. His use of bright colors, care-free strokes, and control of drawing elements, such as light, line, and space, are distinguishable from other artist of the same period. His series on human body series neglected the illustration of the facial features, and formed intensive visions on the paintings with round and opulent human bodies modeled by various colors. This paper probes into Chang’s painting style and artistic achievements in human body drawing based on high credible first-hand materials, and proposes the results with objective and convinced analysis, in order to establish credible graphic files and database for future examination. It is hoped that people could learn more about about the drawing style and creative skills of this artist.張萬傳人體繪畫野獸派台灣美術Wan-chuang Changfigurative paintingFauvismTaiwanart張萬傳人體繪畫研究Study of Nude Paintings by Chang Wan-Chuan