洪聰敏Hung, Tsung-Min依林Yi, Lin2023-12-082023-08-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/08642c95a09805a00b375dd3ccd839c1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121419目的:過去研究發現在精準性運動中發現專家有較長的凝視時間和較好的表現,有研究者建議可以透過神經科學的研究手段來了解可能原因。方法:本研究招募了21位飛鏢專家,22位飛鏢生手,分別進行60次飛鏢投擲,同時記錄運動表現,以及投擲動作準備期的眼動資料和腦電圖。結果:專家組比起生手組有較好的表現和較長的凝視時間。在個人的技能水準中,凝視時間與投擲表現呈正相關,SMR功率與投擲表現呈正相關。結論:在這個研究中我們發現投擲表現較佳的狀態下,較長的凝視時間可能代表較佳的注意力資投入,較高的SMR功率則代表減少體感知覺的干擾,然而凝視與SMR的關係尚須更近一步的研究確認。Aim: Previous studies have shown that experts tend to have longer gaze duration and also have better performance in precision sport. Some researchers have suggested that neuroscience could be employed as a research approach to identify potential underlying causes. Methods: This study recruited 21 dart experts and 22 dart novices. Participants were asked to perform 60 dart throws meanwhile we recorded their throwing performance, as well as eye tracking and electroencephalography (EEG) data during dart throwing preparation. Results: The expert group exhibited superior throwing performance, and longer gaze duration compared to the novice group. A significant positive correlation was observed between gaze duration and performance, as well as between sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) power and performance across individuals of different skill levels. Conclusion: This study reveals that the longer gaze duration might signify better attentional involvement, and higher SMR power could indicate the ability to reduce somatosensory interference. However, the relationship between gaze and SMR remains unclear and requires further investigation to clarify.腦電圖感覺動作節律凝視精準性運動表現EEGsensorimotor rhythmfixationprecision sportsperformance不同技能水準者在飛鏢投擲動作準備期凝視時間和大腦活動之差異Differences in Gaze Duration and Brain Activity during Dart Throwing Preparation among Individuals of Different Skill Levelsetd