王俊斌ehun-Ping Wang2019-08-122019-08-122012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81975本文之目的係在Sen <什麼樣的平等? >一文的基礎上,藉由效益論、正義論與能力取向理論等相關文獻之分析,深入探究「效益平等」、「總體效用平等」、fRawls的基本善平等J .以及「基本能力平等」等四種不同觀點之內涵及其侷限性。相較於能力取向理論在福利經濟學與倫理學領域已累積的大量文獻,能力取向理論之教育應用研究卻仍極為有限。因此,本文最後嘗試提出「平等」的多元思維取向,期待能夠為未來教育公平議題研究提供更妥適的倫理學基礎。This essay, based on the foundations laid out by Amartya Sen in his article “Equality of what?" as well as other related literature and studies on utilitarianism, theory ofjustice, and the capabilities approach, delved into the contents and limitations of four different “ equality" viewpoints which encompassed "utilitarian equality,"“total utility equali旬'," the “Rawlsian equality of prima可goods," and the “basic capability equality." A large amount of research had been previously conducted on the application of the capabilities approach to welfare economics and ethics, but research on the educational applications of the capabilities approach remained comparatively sparse. To address this problem, this essay proposesin its concluding section multiple perspectives on “ equality" and 甜empted to provide an ethical foundation that would better suite the discussions of educational equality in the future.Sen效用基本善能力取向社會正義Senutilityprimary goodscapabilities approachsocial justice效用、基本善與能力發展Utility, Primary Goods, and the Capabilities Approach: Multiple Perspectives on “Equality" and Their Educational Implications