陳信元劉立行Chen-Hsin-YuanLiu-Li-hsing林宜靜Lin-I-Ching2019-09-042006-12-292019-09-042006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693720152%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99719近年來,台灣出版市場急驟萎縮而有邊緣化之危機,新科技的崛起造成閱讀人口的下降,且要面對大陸競逐華文出版市場的威脅。台灣出版界如何因應全球化競爭與挑戰,在廣大華文市場取得領導地位。文化創意產業的崛起是一項挑戰也是契機。在國外,文化創意產業從本國自身文化特色,藉由產業化,可以增值與消費,進而成為實質產業的一部份。其創意概念亦符合藍海理論精神。而有鑑於此,行政院也將「文化創意產業」列為2008重點發展計畫,出版即為其中重要一環。 本研究試圖從文化創意產業脈絡著手,研究範圍擴及世界出版市場、華語出版、童書繪本、數位出版、版權評估…等等,並輔以藍海策略作為理論架構,從相關文獻做一詳加介紹與整理。研究方法採取深度訪談法,訪問出版業界代表、嫻熟文化創意產業之學者、擅長處理版權的法律專家。 研究結果顯示多數學者專家認為台灣出版業前景堪憂,主要問題來自台灣市場的狹小、大環境的不穩與潛在競爭者。但台灣出版業仍有其人才、企畫、創意優勢,未來若針對差異化、及數位出版、培訓創意人才並藉由文化創意產業整合與擴大,台灣出版業必有可為發展空間。本論文從訪談結果與輔以當代管理學與企業經營理論整合分析,得出可真正實行之有效策略,開拓出版業的藍海,以供未來出版業界競逐華文出版市場做為規劃與執行參考。In recent years, the publishing market in Taiwan has become more degenerated. Besides confront the China rising up, the technology changes the readers' reading habit. On the contrary, may countries have developed the Culture& Creative Industries, and increase much value. The Culture & Creative Industries regard as one kind of the blue ocean strategy. Using the innovation to eliminate the competition, and create a new market. So the Executive Yuan in Taiwan also let it list in the emphasis of process project. This dissertation contains some parts: First, introduce the currency and trends of publishing market, and then connects the idea of publishing and Culture & Creative Industries .Are there any niches and develop in Taiwan future? Follow the aspect of laws and researches, technology and the latent competition proceed analyzing. How the publishing in Taiwan confront the competition and challenge in the global world, especially become the No.1 in the Chinese Book market. The research take the In-depth Interview Method, interview several the experts in publishing, copyrights. According to the result reveals most experts hold the pessimistic to the Taiwan publishing industry. In due to the Taiwan market is too small and must compete to a lot of potential opponents, including the environment changes. However, there are excellent talents, marketing and creative superiority in Taiwan. If we could stress the difference, digital publishing trends, rely on the culture& creative industry expand, and creativity. Finally, base on the analyzing results the dissertation will bring up the reference and suggestions.出版文化創意產業藍海策略華文出版市場PublishingCulture & creative industriesBlue Ocean StrategyChinese Book Market台灣文化創意產業藍海策略----以出版業為例The Blue Ocean Strategies of the Culture and Creative Industry in Taiwan ----