藤井倫明張崑將Fujii MichiakiChang, Kun-chiang林榕瑜Lin, Jung-Yu2019-08-282019-07-262019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060383006I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85823  十九世紀中葉西學東漸,日本明治時期福澤諭吉(1834-1901)在1872至1876年間陸續發表《勸學》(学問のすすめ)篇章,提倡實學。無獨有偶,中國晚清張之洞(1837-1909)於1898年上書《勸學篇》,提出中體西用。二人生卒年相近,為該國具有代表性與影響力的知識分子,二書亦同在論述如何會通西學,書中二人對於學問的典型與近代化指標的看法,可視作一種隔空對話。   福澤諭吉與張之洞皆認為學問必須與時俱進,將西學納入本國學問體系,重視學用的實用性,期待知識份子成為文明的推動者。由於國家背景與個人經歷,二人在中西學問的優先次序與範圍界定上有所差異。張之洞著重現實面,依照本國現況引導社會進步,期待國家在穩定中改革成長。福澤諭吉偏向從理論上去實踐,以西方現況來指導日本國民,期待國家盡快達到文明開化。但二人最終目的都希望藉此保住國權,使國家獨立不受侵擾威脅。   意料之外的是,日後中日兩國卻走上與二人理想交錯的道路。因此本文試圖探析福澤諭吉與張之洞在面對相似的國家困境時所提出的近代化學問結構之理想型態,呈現二人將其學問思想進行改革以回應時代需求下,二人學問觀與權力結構的互動樣貌。  In the mid-nineteenth century, Western Ideology was gradually evolving. During the Meiji period in Japan, YuKichi Fukuzawa(1834-1901) published the chapter of " Gakumon-no-susume" from 1872 to 1876 to promote practical learning. Coincidentally, Zhang Zhidong(1837-1909) of the Late-Qing Dynasty in China published the book " Quanxuepian" in 1898, proposing the use of Chinese and Western Ideology. They are representative and influential intellectual of the country. Two books also discusse how to communicate with Western Ideology.   Both YuKichi Fukuzawa and Zhang Zhidong believe that learning must advance with the times, incorporate Western learning into the national academic system, pay attention to the practicality of learning, and expect intellectuals to become the promoters of civilization. Due to the national background and personal experience, the two have different priorities and scoping in Chinese and Western Ideology. Zhang Zhidong focuses on the reality and guides social progress in accordance with the current situation in the country. YuKichi Fukuzawa prefers to practice in theory, to guide Japanese nationals in the current situation in the West. However, the ultimate goal of both of them is to hope to preserve national power and protect the country from intrusion.   Unexpectedly, in the future, China and Japan have embarked on the road of intertwined with the ideals of the two. Therefore, this thesis attempts to analyze the ideal type of modern chemistry structure proposed by YuKichi Fukuzawa and Zhang Zhidong in the face of similar national predicaments, and presents the two people to reform their academic ideas in response to the needs of the times. The interactive appearance of the power structure.福澤諭吉張之洞勸學勸學篇學問觀西學儒學YuKichi FukuzawaZhang ZhidongQuanxuepianGakumon-no-susumeLearning perspectiveConfucianismWestern Ideology福澤諭吉《勸學》與張之洞《勸學篇》中的學問觀The Learning perspective of YuKichi Fukuzawa's Gakumon-no-susume and Zhang Zhidong's Quanxuepian