陳玉娟Chen, Yu-Chuan郭海寧Kuok, Hoi Neng2022-06-082021-11-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/209eca0ebd3ca591024fd2576ef33e58/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118569澳門作為曾被葡萄牙殖民的地方之一,當時澳葡政府對於華人教育採取放任自流的教育管治手段,導致教師的專業水準參差不齊。80年代中葡聯合聲明的簽署影響了培育澳門本地教師的路向,而澳門的教師專業發展隨著1991年澳門首部教育法律《澳門教育制度》之頒布而逐漸受到關注。1999年澳門回歸中國後,社會上亦有不少聲浪提出要求教師專業發展邁向法制化。2006年及2012年分別設立了《非高等教育制度綱要法》及《非高等教育私立學校教學人員框架》(下稱:私框)以法律規限教師專業發展的形式、類型、內容,而教師專業發展亦作為教師工作表現評核的指標之一,因此,《私框》的目的旨在提升澳門私立中學教學人員的專業素質及職業保障,從而促進教師專業發展的運作。是次研究透過半結構式訪談法,分析《私框》實施前後教師專業發展法規的內涵與發展;以及對任職澳門私立中學的六位老師進行訪談,由訪談當中探究《私框》實施後澳門教師專業發展的運作知覺及情況,探究澳門教師專業發展運作下所遇到的困境及解決策略,提出改革澳門私立中學教師專業發展的可行性建議,以期對往後推動及完善澳門教師專業發展有所幫助。根據本研究之結果,可歸納出以下結論: 一、教師專業發展法規的出現改變了教師專業發展的要求。 二、教師專業發展時間及自主性受限。 三、《私框》下教師專業發展活動需求及評核欠缺區別性及人性化考量。 四、《私框》以外誘物質條件推動教師專業發展。 研究者針對研究結果作出以下建議: 一、需完善澳門的教師專業發展活動評核系統。 二、定期省思教師專業發展之成效及整合資源。 三、設立區別化及自主化的教師專業發展。 四、為澳門私立中學教師設置合理的專業發展的時間及空間。Macao was a one of Portuguese colony. The government of Portuguese Macao Government adopted to allow unrestrained freedom for the managing educational governance, which was contributed to the uneven qualities of the teacher professionalism. As the retification of the Joint Chinese-Portuguese Declaration approached in 1987, the path of training teacher was impacted. Macao’s teacher professional development with the first education policy law “Macao Educational System” was stimulated in 1991. Given that Macao had reunified with China, there were many voices in society demanding that the teacher professional development be legalized. In 2006 and 2012, “Basic Law of the Non-higher education system” and the “System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-Tertiary Education” were enacted laws, it could be authorized of the implementation, forms and contents for the teacher professional development. Also, teacher professional development was an important index in teacher performance evaluation, so it could be elevated the professional quality and job insecurity of the Macao’s private secondary teaching staff. The study adpoted by semi-structured interview which had participated for the utilization before and after “System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-Tertiary Education”, The semi-structured interview was employed to acquire the data from 6 Macao’s private secondary teachers and examined consistency and validity with literature, and explores the feasible strategies and the difficulties of the teacher professional development. Finally, researcher summarizes the recommendation of reforming Macao’s private.The study's conclusions were as follows: 1. The education laws and regulations in Macao which were directly occurred to change the requirement of teaching professional development. 2. The main obstacle of the Macao’s teacher professional development were not possessed insufficient time and authonomy. 3. The active of requirement and evaluation in the Macao’s teacher professional development were not distinctly differentiate. 4. The Macao’s teacher professional development impressed on extrinsic incentive. Based on the research results, researcher makes some suggestions as follow: 1. We need to improve the evaluation system of teacher professional development activities in Macao. 2. Regular achievements and integration of professional development of teachers. 3. Set up a different and independent teacher professional development. 4. Set up a reasonable time and space for professional development for the teachers of private secondary schools in Macao.澳門教師專業發展澳門私立中學《非高等教育私立學校教學人員制度框架》Macao’s teacher professional developmentMacao’s private secondary school“ System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-Tertiary Education”澳門私立中學教師專業發展之運作研究A Study on the Teacher Professional Development Operation of Private Secondary in Macao學術論文