國立臺灣師範大學國文學系李玉馨潘麗珠王秀玲康瀚文許力仁連育仁2015-03-312015-03-312004-09-011016-0574http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44478本研究從教師教學信念出發,試圖了解現今課程改革潮流下,國中國語文教師的教學信念現況及改革預備程度,並進而一探他們在教學實踐上可能遭遇的問題。研究者根據課程意識相關理論編製問卷,於臺北縣市抽取35 所公立國民中學國語文教師進行調查與分析。研究結果發現禓當前國中國語文教師在課程實務知識上有相當程度的覺知磕他們對於專業知識與自我的覺知優於對環境方面的覺知磕他們對九年一貫課程、跨領域統整、學生本質方面較不具信心磕而教師的性 別、年齡、服務年資等背景因素與教學信念的覺知情形有所相關。In view of current curricular reform, this research attempts to investigate junior high school teachers' beliefs in the teaching of Chinese and the degree of their preparation for change, with the hope that the problems Chinese language teachers may encounter in their pedagogical practice are thereof discovered. Drawn from the theory of teaching belief, the researchers developed a "Junior High School Teachers' Curricular Consciousness of Teaching Chinese Questionnaire" to conduct this survey study. Accordingly, data were gathered from teachers of 35 public junior high schools located in Taipei, and analysis was proceeded. The results show that most Chinese language teachers are quite aware of their practical knowledge base of curriculum. They have better awareness of professional knowledge and self than of environment. Especially, their confidence in the Nine-Year Consistent Curriculum, Integrated Curriculum, and the nature of students was little. There are differences of curricular consciousness due to the differences among background variables such as sex, age, and seniority.教學信念課程改革國語文教學Teaching beliefCurricular reformTeaching of chinese國民中學國文教師教學信念與教學實踐之調查研究A Survey Study of Junior High School Teachers' Teaching Belief and Teaching Practice of Teaching Chinese