國立臺灣師範大學體育學系熊道天鄭志富2016-08-042016-08-042014-12-011024-7300http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79515社會資本的概念在近年來已經受到社會學界的關注,並且被廣泛應用到各個不同領域。而非營利組織的出現,不但反映政府及市場雙重失靈的現象,更代表著社會結構轉型民主化的歷程。在體育運動領域當中,非營利體育運動組織提供民眾多元之運動服務,彌補政府失靈下不足之體育運動公共財;同時,非營利體育運動組織之公益性質在市場失靈下,亦可以促使民眾投注信任,凝聚社會資本。從微觀之個體層面來看,非營利體育運動組織替個人及組織累積社會資本;從宏觀的國家及社會層面來看,非營利體育運動組織不但滿足民眾對於運動及休閒活動與日漸增之需求,亦可協助政府推廣全民運動,進而落實體育運動政策之執行,更扮演政府與國際組織間之橋樑角色。本文運用社會資本之觀點於非營利體育運動組織中,提供學術研究、政府體育主管機關以及非營利體育運動組織等三方,不同之行政及學術研究觀點,並對未來研究提出三個具體建議方向,希冀提供體育運動研究學者及體育運動組織實務工作者另一個研究視角,並了解非營利體育運動組織之價值。The concept of social capital has received many attentions by the scholars of sociology, and has been widely applied to various fields in recent years. The emergence of non-profit organizations, not only reflects the phenomenon of government failure and market failure, but also represents the democratization process of the social structure. In the field of sports, non-profit sport organizations provide people with various sport services, and make up a deficiency of public goods owing to the government failure. Meanwhile, under the circumstances of market failure, the charity of non-profit sport organizations can expand participants' social trust and accumulate social capital for the promotion of social harmony. From the micro view, non-profit sport organizations can accumulate people's trust. On the other hand, from the macro view, non-profit sport organizations can meet people's demand of sport and leisure activities, assist the government to promote the national sport, and then implement sports policy. Furthermore, non-profit sport organizations play as a bridge role connects government and other international sport organizations. This article featured a comprehensive non-profit organizations and social capital, further elaborated the connotation of non-profit sport organizations and social capital, provided a different administrative and research view to the field of scholar, government and non-profit sport organizations, and further made three specific recommendations for future research directions. It is hoped to provide sports researchers and other organizational practitioners a different perspective and a better understanding to the value of non-profit sport organizations.信任運動治理社會企業TrustSport governanceSocial enterprise以社會資本觀點論非營利體育運動組織之價值Assessing the Value of Non-profit Sport Organization from the Point of View of Social CaptialThe Foundation and the Development of the First Taiwan Province Sports Event