李晶Ching Li張桂菁Kuei-Ching Chang2019-09-052014-8-102019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696310257%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107747本研究之目的主要在探討高齡者休閒社會網絡的情形,以台南縣西港鄉為例,採用文獻分析法歸納出社會網絡分析的兩大項目,分別是網絡結構及網絡連結。並以深度訪談法訪問8位台南縣西港鄉65歲以上之高齡者,了解其休閒活動參與及休閒社會網絡情形,結果發現:(1)在休閒活動方面:高齡者會長期參與某項休閒活動。(2)休閒社會網絡方面,在網絡結構中,固定組織式的休閒活動所形成的社會網絡規模較大,但密度低,知道其他人並有互相往來的程度不高。(3)在網絡連結上,即使聯絡頻率高,穩定性夠,但因沒有進一步的互動,並無法很明確地定義出網絡中的成員。建議政府單位有意推廣高齡者相關的休閒活動能夠瞭解高齡者休閒社會網絡之特性,並且以其概念來傳播休閒相關的資訊。The purpose of the study was to discuss the elder’s recreational social networks in Sigang, Tainan County. The research methods included literature review and in-depth interview. According to the literature review, there were two items which were network structure and network connection to analyze the elder’s recreational participation and social networks,. The interviewees were 8 elders in Sigang Township, Tainan County, who were over 65 years old. The results showed as following: (1) On the recreational activities, the elder participated in some recreational activities for a long period. (2) On the recreational social networks, the formal networks were wider than other types. However, the social interactions participants were not closed in the formal networks. (3) On the network connection, it was hard to categorize the members in the networks due to the lack of further social interaction. The study suggested that the government should investigate the characters of the elder’s recreational social networks to communicate the information to the elder.高齡者休閒活動參與社會網絡eldersleisure activitiessocial network高齡者休閒社會網絡之研究-以臺南縣西港鄉為例A Study on the Elder's Recreational Social Networks in Sigang, Tainan County