李懿芳Li, Yi-Fang李淑菁Lee, Shu-Ching2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003702203%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98317本研究旨在探討混成學習對國中生英聽學習成效(包括英語聽力成就測驗與英聽學習自我覺知效果)之影響,並分析自我效能與學習風格在此關係中的調節效果。採不等組前後測準實驗設計,研究對象為七年級兩個班級學生,隨機分派一班為實驗組(混成學習),另一班為控制組(傳統教學)。研究結果顯示:一、學生接受混成學習後,在英聽學習成效表現有增加,整體表現為中上程度;二、混成學習能顯著提升學生英語聽力成就測驗與英聽學習自我覺知的認知效果;三、低自我效能者在混成學習中的英聽學習成效顯著優於高自我效能者;四、「學習風格」在教學方法與英語聽力成就測驗及英聽學習自我覺知效果關係中,無顯著的調節效果。研究建議如下:一、線上學習教材宜針對不同學習風格學習者做適性規畫與設計;二、學校行政宜建置數位學習平台與提升教室軟硬體設備;三、教師宜在教學時關照學習者的自我效能;四、未來研究宜研擬更具準確性之學習風格歸類方式。The purposes of this study were to examine the impact of blended learning on listening comprehension, as measured by both an achievement test and self-perceived effects, and to analyze the moderating effects of self-efficacy and learning style. This study adopted the pretest-posttest nonequivalent-group quasi-experimental design. The subjects were two intact classes of seventh graders in a public junior high school. The experimental group received blended learning and the control group received traditional teaching. The experiment lasted for eight weeks. The results were as follows: (1) students did better on the achievement test and self-perceived effects after receiving blended learning; (2) blended learning had significantly positive effect on the achievement test and cognitive effect; (3) students with low self-efficacy significantly outperformed those with high self-efficacy on the achievement test and self-perceived effects in a blended-learning course; (4) learning style had no significant moderating effect on the relationship between teaching method and learning effect. A number of implications and limitations of this study and the suggestions for further research focusing on blended learning were presented.自我效能混成學習學習成效學習風格self-efficacyblended learninglearning effectlearning style混成學習對國中生英聽學習成效之研究:自我效能與學習風格之調節效果A Study of the Impact of Blended Learning on Junior High School Students’ Learning Effects: The Moderating Effects of Self-efficacy and Learning Style