陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih蔡姵均Tsai, Pei-Chun2022-06-082025-12-252022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fd287cb3e2f20b2cb581888ef938abbf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117374隨著時代變遷,創造力成為人們不可或缺的能力之一,教育的模式也翻轉為重視創造思考的核心素養教學。在創造力教育的領域裡,學生的個體差異議題不容忽略,而在學習方面,學生的個體差異顯現於學習風格。由於現存研究中學習風格與創造力的關係尚未明確,因此,本研究旨在探究國小高年級學童學習風格對創造力之影響,並以幽默感為中介變項考驗其中介效果,為釐清學習風格與創造力間的關聯。本研究以臺灣新北市某國小五、六年級學童為研究對象,共412位學生。利用問卷調查法,以「Kolb學習風格量表」、「多向度幽默感量表」、「兒童版中文詞彙遠距聯想測驗」、「新編創造思考測驗」作為研究工具。研究結果如下:(1)聚斂者較調適者封閉式創造力表現佳(2)不同學習風格在開放式創造力、幽默感無顯著差異;(3)學習風格中的「抽象概念」與封閉式創造力達顯著正相關、「主動驗證」與封閉式創造力達顯著負相關;(4)學習風格中的「具體經驗」與開放式創造力達顯著正相關、「省思觀察」與開放式創造力達顯著負相關;(5)多向度幽默感中的「幽默創造」對具體經驗到開放式創造力的中介效果成立,意即偏好具體經驗的學童,可以透過提升自身幽默創造能力,進而提升開放式創造力;多向度幽默感總分對省思觀察到開放式創造力的中介效果成立,意即偏好使用省思觀察的學童,可以藉由培養幽默感,進而提升開放式的創造力。藉由本研究中學習風格與封閉式、開放式創造力的關係,對後續相關研究及教學實務提出建議,期冀能為創造力教育的發展貢獻一份心力。With the development of education, creativity has become an essential skill for students. In the research field of creativity education, the issue of individual difference cannot be ignored. This individual differences manifested in students' learning style. However, the relationship between creativity and learning style remains unidentified. To this end, we explore the relationship between learning style and creativity of fifth- and sixth-grade students; then use humor as a mediator to test the mediation effect in this thesis. This study recruited 412 fifth- and sixth-grade students and used the "Kolb Learning Style Scale", "Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale", " Chinese Word Remote Associates Test-Children version ", and "Revised Tests of Creative Thinking" .The results show that: (1) The converger outperforms the accommodator in closed-ended creativity, (2) There is no significant difference between sense of humor and learning styles in open-ended creativity, (3) Abstract Conceptualization is positively correlated with closed-ended creativity, Active Experimentation is negatively correlated with closed-ended creativity, (4) Concrete Experience is positively correlated with open-ended creativity, and Reflective Observation is positively correlated with open-ended creativity (5) Humor creativity is the mediator of Concrete Experience and open-ended creativity. Humor is the mediator of Reflection and Observation and open-ended creativity. According to these findings, we can select the most appropriate learning style for each student and inspired their creativity. This study opens up a broad avenue for future research.國小高年級學童學習風格創造力幽默感fifth- and sixth-grade studentslearning stylescreativityhumor國小高年級學童學習風格與創造力之相關研究-以幽默感為中介變項The Relationship between Learning Style and Creativity of Fifth- and Sixth-grade Students: Mediating Effect of Humor學術論文