黃能堂Neng-Tang Huang高英訓Ying-Hsun Kao2019-09-032005-1-12019-09-032004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069171016%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96317本研究的目的除探討軟體開發人員各績效構面下的指標外,並瞭解其構面下被重視的績效指標。本研究運用德懷術問卷調查,前後共進行三次的問卷發放,德懷術小組成員包括15位業界專家,問卷資料之分析方法以平均數、標準差,及t檢定加以考驗,得到結論如下: 一、軟體開發人員有關於創新研發之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有7項。 二、軟體開發人員有關於專案參與之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有4項。 三、軟體開發人員有關於創新能力之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有9項。 四、軟體開發人員有關於專業知能之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有3項。 五、軟體開發人員有關於學習態度之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有6項。 六、軟體開發人員有關於工作態度之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有7項。 七、軟體開發人員有關於團隊溝通與協調之項目,列為「重要」的績效指標共計有6項。The purposes of this study were to explore and construct the performance indicators for software developers. Three rounds of Delphi questionnaires were sent to the 15 experts. Descriptive statistics and T-test were used in the data analysis. The mayor findings of this study were as follows. 1. Seven indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″innovative research and develops″ by the experts. 2. Four indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″participating in project″ by the experts. 3. Nine indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″innovative ability″ by the experts. 4. Three indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″specialized knowledge and ability″ by the experts. 5. Six indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″attitude towards study″ by the experts. 6. Seven indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″working attitude″ by the experts. 7. Six indicators were rated as important performance indicators in ″communication and coordination in groups″ by the experts.軟體開發人員績效指標德懷術Software developerPerformance indicatorDelphi technique軟體開發人員績效指標建構之初探A Study for Performance Indicators of Software Developer