吳舜文Wu, Shun-Wen陳培昕Chen, Pei-Hsin2019-09-06不公開2019-09-062017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0598903112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108169本研究主要探討透過性別平等議題融入國中音樂欣賞教學課程,了解學生對性別平等議題的認知情形,以及教師對於性別平等議題融入音樂欣賞教學實施之省思。採用行動研究法,以研究者任教之國中七年級共計112位學生為研究對象,以芭蕾舞劇《天鵝湖》為教學素材,進行兩階段的音樂欣賞教學。獲致具體研究結論如下: 一、學生透過音樂欣賞課程對性別平等議題的認知情形:學生在青少年性別角色態 度量表對性別認知整體表現良好,在不同之性別、父親教育程度及家中長輩同 住對象等三方面具顯著差異;學生在學習單上所反應之情形良好,經過兩階段 課程實施後,學生對於性別角色的刻板化情形有顯著改善。 二、教師對於性別平等議題融入音樂欣賞課程之省思: (一)素材選擇之省思:考量學生對素材難易度之理解能力,對於過於冗長的 素材應作適當的簡化。引起動機之素材選擇盡可能採用具有生活化元素 的歌曲,作為連結教學主題之銜接素材。 (二)教學引導省思方面:教師透過敏銳的觀察力,隨時注意學生的學習情 形,並且給予適時的協助與引導,再搭配教學內容適當的時間安排與分 配,便能使學生獲得最佳的學習成果。 (三)其他教學相關省思方面:教師藉由自然的引導與提問營造班級經營的氣 氛,讓學生能夠主動參與,並結合教室情境的佈置,較易引發學生主動. 思考課程中想要融入的相關議題,發揮潛移默化的效果。 最後研究者依據研究結論提出建議,以作為音樂教育者與未來研究之參 考。The purpose of this research was to explore the integrating gender equality into music appreciation teaching. In order to understand the students' awareness of gender equality issues, and the reflections of the teacher on the implementation of gender equality in music appreciation teaching. In this research, using action research method, to teach 112 students of seventh-grade in a junior high school, and chooses the ballet "Swan Lake" as the teaching material. The researcher conducted two units of the music appreciation teaching. The conclusions were as followed: 1.The students' awareness of gender equality issues through the music appreciation teaching: students' overall performance on "Scale for Adolescents' Attitude to Gender-role" is good, and who have significant difference on gender, father's level of education, and family elders. The students have good performance on the learning sheets. 2.Teachers for the integrating gender equality into music appreciation lessons after teaching reflection: (1)Materials choose: teachers need to consider the ability of students to understand the difficulty degree of material, the lengthy material should be simplified appropriately. Teachers can use the teaching materials which are related to pop music for connecting the teaching theme. (2)Teaching guide: Teachers should have keen powers of observation, to notice the learning situation between students, and giving assistance and guidance timely. Then teachers arrange teaching content and appropriate time for students to get the best learning outcome. (3)Other teaching-related: Teachers can create a good climate of class management by guiding and asking questions, to help students taking participation proactively, then guiding students to think proactively about the curriculum into the relevant issues that could promote students' learning effects. Based on the conclusions, the researcher offered suggestions for music educators and the future studies性別平等性別角色的刻板化音樂欣賞教學gender equalitygender stereotypemusic appreciation teaching性別平等議題融入國中音樂欣賞教學之行動研究-以芭蕾舞劇《天鵝湖》為例An Action Research of Integrating Gender Equality into Music Appreciation Teaching at Junior High School