呂清夫黃興芳管育伶2020-12-102009-8-242020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696660042%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115420工筆繪畫象徵著中國傳統的藝術精神,不論是在技法或是表現形式上,都有其獨特的藝術風格,而畫家運用筆墨勾勒描繪在紙絹材料上,表現東方文化之特殊風格。現代科技發展日新月異、數位藝術技術的發展亦已經漸臻成熟,筆者希望透過數位動畫的表現方式,結合象徵中國傳統工筆繪畫的藝術,再透過運用原有擅長的工筆繪畫技法,試圖融合動畫的動作表演和鏡頭運動,將繪畫的「靜」 轉化成影像的「動」,並藉由荷的型態變化,像是從春之生長、夏之茂盛、秋之枯逝、冬之零落,年復一年、代復一代,將過程分為「成」、「住」、「壞」、「空」四時期,來隱喻人的一生之中的生、老、病、死的生命輪迴。 本創作以『荷』為創作內容發想的主體,在〈荷〉動畫創作短片的表現上,藉著由陀螺到風車、雨傘到電線桿等實物,從連結造型的意象來作虛實之間的轉化;同時在設色上也強調了四季的視覺變化感,巧妙的形成中國畫四聯幅的傳統結構形式,最後加以蟲、鳥、蛙豐富畫面,來表現視覺的趣味。雖然在動畫製作過程中的客觀條件有所不足,仍能感受傳達「意」、「象」轉化的最初企圖。因而,本創作希望能藉由自我工筆繪畫創作,來與動畫作彼此交融,進而表現一種新的造境;同時,筆者也期許在動畫的創作上,能不失立於傳統元素的運用,嘗試有所突破的作法。最後基於這樣的理念,做為現階段個人創作的反省與檢討,以便肯定自我信念,開展創作生涯新里程!The Fine-brushwork painting symbolizes the Chinese tradition artistic spirit. Not only in the technique skill but also for the performance formally, the artistic style is unique. Usually, the painters outline a description using the words on the paper silk material to display the special style of the Eastern culture. Today, the technological progress varies with the time, and the technology of artistic developments to reach maturely gradually. I (the author) hoped to show the animation creation to combine a symbol of traditional Chinese fine-brushwork painting art. Through by the use of the original at the fine-brushwork painting techniques, attempts to integrate the animation of the movement performance and the lens movement. Let the painting’s “static images” to be “ the motion”. In addition, with the pattern of the changes Lotus which growth on spring, exuberant green on summer, dying on autumn, and all by scattered on winter. Year-by-year. Repeat a generation formed to get Repeat. In the process divides times into Zen’s four destined calamity (Kalpa) of the transmigration. For the metaphors of the transmigration to the life for human bean: on birth, growth, getting old with sickness, and death. (Alive but no down-to-earth) The creation main of content thought focus on the 'Lotus'. By the performance of the animation creation short film, according to the objects with a whipping top and the windmills, an umbrella and into a telegraph pole. Connected the modeling with the image between the actual situation and the transformation. Besides, it also emphasized the importance of changes of the seasons in visual sense, and the ingenious formation for the traditional Chinese painting group of four (四聯幅) with the tradition structural style. Finally, put some of insects, birds, and frogs into the pictures for the performance of the visual for fun. Although it’s insufficient on the objective condition of the process in the animation manufacture, however, its transformed initial attempt between the transmission of the “Meaning”, and the “Image”. Therefore, this creation not only hope to be a self-created fine-brushwork painting to blend with the animation but also try to share for something else, thus making the performance for a new habitat. Hopefully, I would be very please to show it. This animation creation can be stand by use the traditional elements and the attempt would be bring forth a new method. Finally, in the based concept, this personal creation is a new course for me, which to reflection and review the other way or to make sure my self-belief to carry!工筆荷生命Fine-BrushworkLotusLife〈荷〉生命意象-中國工筆繪畫在動畫創作之應用《Lotus》Life Image : A Chinese fine-brushwork painting applied in animation creation