國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系宋曜廷黃冠寰2014-12-022014-12-022003-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40818本計劃將研究如何將直接教學、交互教學、或交互教學融入直接教學之策略 於Internet 上執行:第一部分是研究如何根據Internet 及網路環境的特性來制 定出直接教學、交互教學、或交互教學融入直接教學所需的教學流程及教學環 境;第二部分是運用群組軟體(Groupware)及網際網路運算(Internet Computing)的技術於直接教學、交互教學、或交互教學融入直接教學。要點之 一是運用Groupware 中之工作流程管理(Workflow Management System 簡稱 WfMS)之理論及技術來控管直接及交互教學之流程。要點二是運用網路運算中之 重要技術XML 來指定流程並定義一個用於直接教學及交互教學之標準語言格 式。第三個重點是研究用網際網路運算中的瀏覽器技術(Web technology)來時 作為教師學生與群組軟體為基礎的網路教學環境之介面;要點三是將實作出的系 統應用於小學五、六年級到國一的一般學生為對象驗證此教學系統之應用效果 本計畫將以三年完成,第一年將進行網路上閱讀理解策略(如發問摘要澄清 預測)的直接教學和交互教學方法的設計,包括研究群組軟體如何運用於網路上 之、交互教學、或交互教學融入直接教學模式。第二年將以上述環境,以小學五 六年級到國一的一般學生為對象,驗證此教學系統的應用效果。第三年將擴充系 統的認知輔助策略,加入寫作方面的教學策略(如計畫、轉譯、回顧和監控等), 並進行應用效果的檢驗。We will research how to apply direct instruction, reciprocal teaching, and cooperation of direct instruction and reciprocal teaching to an teaching environment constructed in the Internet. The first part is to draw up the teaching flow and teaching strategy of direct instruction and reciprocal teaching according to the features of the Internet and network environment. The second part is to research how to apply the groupware and Internet computing technology to direct instruction, reciprocal teaching, and cooperation of direct instruction and reciprocal teaching. (1) One is to apply the workflow management system technology to the flow control of direct instruction and reciprocal teaching; (2) Using the XML to specify the workflow of direct instruction and reciprocal teaching; (3) To apply the Web technology to construct the network teaching environment. The third part is to experiment our system to the 5th and 6th grade students of elementary school. We will finish the project in three years. In the first year, we will design the network teaching environment for direct instruction and reciprocal teaching. Also, the system will be implemented. In the second year, we will apply our network teaching system to the 5th and 6th grade students of elementary school. In the third, we will extend our system with the ability to the teaching strategy of writing.交互教學直接教學網路化學習寫作教學策略群組軟體工作流程工作流程管理瀏覽器技術reciprocal teachingdirect instructionlearning with internetteaching strategy of writinggroupwareworkflowWfMSWeb technology.網路適性閱讀環境的建立與應用-子計畫IV:整合交互教學和直接教學的網路合作閱讀環境(I)A Network Cooperative Reading Environment Which Integrates Reciprocal Teaching and Direct Instruction (I)