劉立德Liu, Li-de2019-08-122019-08-122017-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84377隨著1970年代中華民國在國際外交上面臨一連串的挫敗,使人們對臺灣前途產生不確定感,因此許多有能力的人便透過各種途徑移民美國。許多黨政軍高層人士透過管道取得綠卡這個公開的秘密為當時輿論所詬病。這些特權人士的行徑不僅被外界譏諷為「牙刷主義」者之外,更引發當時輿論的強烈撻伐。「牙刷主義」同時也挑動當時鄉土意識高漲的臺灣社會的認同危機,國民黨政府在面對「牙刷主義」的曖昧態度亦為黨外人士抨擊國民黨政府的口實。當年「牙刷主義」所引發的認同危機更是持續至今。本文旨在探討在當時戒嚴體制下新聞自由受限的臺灣平面媒體如何報導這個問題,這些報導如何呈現出當時臺灣社會的集體心態與社會氛圍,以及臺灣意識認同與中華民國認同這兩種不同的認同意識在「牙刷主義」爭議展現的分歧。When ROC in years of crisis in 1970s, Many of Taiwanese people face the future with a profound sense of uncertainty and foreboding, many people including KMT government officers tried to immigrate to the U.S. Many privileged classes to obtain a green card are an open secret that this was criticized by public opinion through the pipeline. These acts are not only privileged people outside ridiculed as “toothbrush doctrine” by outside; Tang-Wai movement also criticized the KMT government’s excuse. Become the social problems emigrated to the U.S. derived. This paper presents the impact of the 1976-1980 Taiwan printed media at the time how to reported by emigration and these stories showing how the collective mentality of the time and the gradual rise of Taiwanese society through Tang-Wai magazines for the KMT government criticism the various views oriented.綠卡牙刷主義國民黨平面媒體臺灣意識Green cardDual citizenshipPrinted mediaLocal awareness臺灣平面媒體呈現的「牙刷主義」爭議(1976-1980)Controversial Issue Regarding Green Card Seen in Taiwan’s Printed Media (1976-1980)