吳怡瑾Wu, I-Chin楊恩潔Yang, En-Jie2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060615001E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89052隨著網站平台在商務中扮演的角色愈發重要,台灣線上C2C平台的發展從早期以二手商品拍賣為主,到出現許多專業經營賣場進行全新商品販售交易模式,讓使用者能夠在C2C平台滿足不同交易需求。C2C平台之使用者包含買家與賣家身分,使用者不同的身份背景以及需求及目的各有異同,使得在採用C2C平台的關鍵因素上都會有所差異,故本研究旨在分析國內使用者採用不同C2C平台之關鍵因素,並以一般買家與個人賣家使用者作為研究對象。 本研究透過相關文獻探討整合以確認網站服務功能的衡量構面與準則,藉由德爾菲法(Delphi)建構出正式衡量C2C平台網站層級架構,並以多準則決策方法作為研究方法,包含:層級分析法 (AHP)、決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法 (DANP)以分析出各關鍵準則間之權重、因果關係,並以奇摩拍賣、露天拍賣、蝦皮購物、淘寶網作為本研究個案,利用VIKOR方法評估其績效表現與期望表現差距,所獲得的研究結果能瞭解出使用者選擇採用C2C平台之關鍵因素,為值得改善與重視之關鍵因素作出建議。 實證研究結果發現,一般買家與個人賣家均認為互動層面為構面中的重要面向,而「溝通性」、「易用性」、「資訊品質」、與「評價機制」為重要影響之關鍵準則,此外買家更注重「售後服務」,賣家更注重「交易效率」。並且透過因果關係圖更能夠清楚瞭解構面與準則之間的因果關係,在買家與賣家數據顯示「個人層面」影響著「互動層面」與「商務層面」,而「易用性」是主要影響其他準則之重要原因。根據以上的實證研究結果,針對相關的構面與準則作出管理意涵之建議,並提出對C2C平台使用率改善及改善經營相關功能服務之建議。E-commerce is undergoing an evolution through the adoption of Web 2.0, and it has fostered more Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) interaction that helps buyers and sellers locate each other. In Taiwan, with rapid development of C2C e-commerce, users have transformed their purposes and requirements, and no longer focusing on personal used goods auction. As the evolution of functional services for C2C e-commerce has matured, users have differences due to their personal backgrounds or require and purposes of using C2C platform. In this study, we analyze the key factors for generic buyers and sellers to adopt different C2C e-commerce. The important facts that affect the e-service quality of the C2C e-commerce were identified by literature review, and formal measuring factors were comfirmed by Delphi Method. Ten criteria are developed from the three dimensions and analyzed the weight and the causal relationship among them are analyzed by Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory-based Analytical Network Processing (DEMATEL-based ANP) approach. Then, combining the VIšekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) methods to evaluat four real cases to find the performance gaps of dimensions and criteria. The results of this research show that the key factor of C2C e-commerce adoption is the interaction dimension of functional services. Among the dimensions, usability, communication, information quality, and ranking reviews are important criteria and interact with each other by the results of buyers and sellers in selecting C2C e-commerce and provide implications for improving the design of C2C e-commerce.C2C平台決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法線上服務品質關鍵因素多準則決策C2C e-commerceDEMATEL-based ANPE-service qualityKey factorMulti-criteria decision-making使用者採用C2C電商平台之關鍵因素:多準則決策方法Key Factors of Adoption C2C E-commerce: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches