鄭勝分博士曾維平Tseng, wei-ping2019-08-292013-8-132019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060002022E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92369  社會合作社是70年代興起之一種合作社型態,無論是對於合作社之發展或是整體社會都能帶來正面的影響,在國外,特別是歐洲已行之有年,臺灣學界與實務界近幾年也對於社會合作社開始有些了解與研究,但到目前為止都尚未有具體、專精之研究,本研究以日月潭農產運銷合作社為個案,聚焦探索發展社會合作社須具備之條件,及其在發展過程中可能遇到之困難與挑戰,以資未來社會合作社發展之相關研究參考。本研究以質性研究深度訪談為方法進行,訪談之對象為組織內部員工以及當地社區相關之利害關係人。   根據文獻之探討社會合作社有幾項重要標準,分別是整體公共利益、獨立於政府之外、多元利害關係人治理結構、勞動社員代表性以及有限的盈餘分配。整體而言,日月潭農產運銷合作社目前擁有整體公共利益、獨立於政府之外以及有限的盈餘分配的發展條件,而在多元利害關係人治理結構及勞動社員代表性上則較為欠缺。在發展各標準上,獨立於政府之外以及有限的盈餘分配方面目前沒有遇到相關問題,整體公共利益、多元利害關係人治理結構與勞動社員代表性方面有遇到相關問題,整體公共利益則較其他幾個指標擁有較多、較複雜之問題,而信任是發展社會合作社的核心爭議。A social co-operative is a new type of co-operative and springs up in 1970s which influences positively the development of co-operatives and society. An approach of a social co-operative has been followed for many years abroad, especially in Europe, however in Taiwan the academics and practitioners in recent years also start to find out and explore a social co-operative, but not yet have had the specific and specialized approach. Taiwanfarmer Co-operative is a case study of this research. The research method is the qualitative research adopted depth interview, and the employees of the organization and some stakeholders of local communities are interviewed. The objectives of this study focus on finding out the conditions of development, and the issues and challenges of processes of development of a social co-operative, and that contributes to references and consultations of development of social co-operatives in future. According to the literatures a social co-operative has some important conditions of development, including the integral public interest, the non-governmental characters, the governance structure of multi-stakeholders, the substantial representative of worker members, and the limited distribution of surplus. From the results of the qualitative research of depth interview, there are the conditions of the integral public interest, the non-governmental characters and the limited distribution of surplus, but are deficient in the governance structure of multi-stakeholders and substantial representative of worker members for Taiwanfarmer Co-operative. Furthermore, Taiwanfarmer Co-operative has the issues of the integral public interest, the governance structure of multi-stakeholders and the substantial representative of worker members, and even more than others that the issues of the integral public interest are more and more complicated. And that trust is the core theme of the development of social co-operatives.社會企業社會合作社農產運銷合作社social enterprisesocial co-operativeagricultural products marketing co-operative社會合作社發展程度之研究-以日月潭農產運銷合作社為例A Study on the Degree of Development of a Social Co-operative – A Case Study of Taiwanfarmer Co-operative