吳淑禎Shu-Chen Wu2019-08-122019-08-122018-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84129本研究運用正向心理學觀點,探討大學青年回顧其成長過程所知覺的生涯逆境、因應策略及其對生涯韌力的定義與培育建議。本研究以229位學生的生涯韌力故事作為文本,進行內容分析,研究結果顯示:一、大學青年所知覺的生涯逆境,包括健康、家庭、學習、自我認同、人際、愛情、死亡及多種逆境等八類,其中以學習逆境為最多;二、遭遇逆境當下,大學青年在感受、認知、行為與生理方面,會出現負向反應;三、大學青年克服逆境的因應策略,包括個性特質、信念態度與因應技能等內在資源,以及家人、同儕、學校及社區支持等外在資源;四、大學青年對生涯韌力的定義著重在個人內在資源,包括「樂觀」、「調整情緒」、「解決問題」等12項要素;五、對於生涯韌力培養,大學青年提出「向失敗學習」、「解決問題」、「肯定自己」、「生活調節」、「培養特質與能力」、「角色楷模」、「向外求助」等建議。綜合而言,本研究初步提供大學青年的生涯逆境與生涯韌力之概念探索與建議,未來可進一步發展青年學生的生涯韌力評量工具或建構韌力培育課程並檢視其成效。By using the concept of positive psychology, this study explored career adversities and relationships of different coping strategies with chosen career paths in Higher Education students; it also investigated their cognitive capabilities for career resilience. This study adopted a content analysis approach to examine the professional tenacity of 229 students. Data analysis yielded the following results: (1) The career adversities could be divided into eight categories: health, learning, interpersonal relationships, love and family, self-identity, and life meaning. Among all categories, learning was the adversity that most students experienced. (2) Students reacted with negative reactions (e.g., negative feelings, cognitions, and behaviors) on encountering an adversity. (3) Coping strategies adopted by the students included the use of internal resources (e.g., personal attitude and belief) and external resources (e.g., seeking support from peers or parents). (4) The cognitive of participants regarding the key career resilience elements emphasized the internal resources of individuals. These elements specifically included optimism, emotional adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. (5) Regarding suggestions for developing career resilience, the students proposed ideas, such as learning from failure, developing problem-solving skills, knowing yourself, learning how to manage stress, role modeling, and seeking assistance. In summary, this provisional study revealed the potential concepts of career adversities and resilience in Higher Education students. Future research should focus on developing an instrument for measuring career resilience and constructing a career-resilience curriculum and testing its effectiveness.大學青年生涯逆境生涯韌力因應策略adversitycareer resiliencecoping strategyhigher education students生涯韌力:大學青年的生涯逆境知覺 及其因應策略之研究Career Resilience: Career Adversities and the Effects of Coping Strategies on Higher Education Students’ Career Path