宋美 王華 教授Dr. Mei-hwa Sung葉采青Tsai-ching Yeh2019-09-032009-7-152019-09-032008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0888210030%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97851摘要 本論文旨在探討丹尼爾‧狄福(1660-1731)作品中所呈現的重商主義和商人精神。狄福所處的時代面臨經濟結構的劇烈轉變,日漸式微的封建制度與新興的資本主義這兩股相對的力量,在經濟的觀念與商業的運作上,都有某種程度的影響。對於經濟議題的關注,為狄福作品的重要特色,也使得他與十八世紀其他的小說家有所區隔。雖然狄福的小說人物都以追求財富為主要目標,同時也具有商人的特質,但是直到1725年出版的《道地英國商人》,狄福始就「道地的商人」(“complete tradesman”)提出具體的定義,期許此書為年輕商人的從商指南,並宣揚商業為國家的致富之道。他不僅試圖要建立一種商人精神,也將這樣的想法落實到他的小說人物上,而這樣的概念同時也可以用來解讀《茉兒‧佛蘭德斯》(1722)與《蘿克珊娜》(1724)中極具爭議性的女性角色。 本研究將分成三個章節:以馬克斯‧韋伯的宗教社會學為作為檢視的主軸,第一章首先要闡明狄福實為積極進取的資本主義者,藉以審視狄福在《道地英國商人》中所建構的商人精神;在接下來的兩章,本論文將強調茉兒和蘿克珊娜追求財富的企圖心,將她們定位為狄福的「女商人」(“women in business”),而非寡廉鮮恥的娼妓與交際花。狄福的女性角色以其財富管理的能力,試圖踰越社會對於女性的規範,並以其在商業運作上的成就,建立女性的主體性。因此透過時代歷史背景的探討,本論文亦將分析狄福對於貧困女子的同情,以討論小說中的性別議題以及狄福在此議題的立場。 狄福其實欲藉由他的作品來建立有系統的經濟理論,本論文作者希望能就狄福在經濟方面的主張,做更深入的解釋,並針對他最受非議的小說角色,提出不同的解讀方式。Abstract This dissertation aims to discuss mercantilism and the construction of tradesman mentality in Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). Defoe straddles an era of striking economic changes, in which the residual of feudalism still has its influence on conceptions of economics, while the rise of capitalism begins to impact on business operations in society. Concerns for economic issues distinguish Defoe’s works from other eighteenth-century novelists. Although his imaginative characters are pursuers of money and are businessman-like, not until the publication of The Complete English Tradesman in 1725 does he clearly proffer his definition of a “complete tradesman.” Defoe regards The Complete English Tradesman as an instruction for a young tradesman and advocates business as the readiest way to enrich England. He not only attempts to construct a tradesman mentality but tries to apply this idea to his characters, including his intriguingly controversial female protagonists in Moll Flanders (1722) and Roxana (1724). The content is divided into three main chapters. In Chapter One, based on Max Weber’s sociology of religion, the core of discussion centers on the justification of Defoe as a progressive mercantilist of a capitalistic mind, and the definition of a true tradesman discussed in The Complete English Tradesman. In the following chapters, instead of regarding Moll and Roxana as dishonorable women, the study tends to emphasize more on these women’s money-oriented inclination and defines them as “women in business.” Defoe’s women characters are subversive figures who tend to transgress social norms with their capability of property management, and therefore construct a female subjectivity by means of success in business. By placing Moll and Roxana in context, the study also attempts to discuss Defoe’s sympathy for women in distress and identifies Defoe’s position with regard to gender. Through his works, Defoe intends to establish a systematic theory on economic issues. The dissertation writer hopes to offer deeper interpretations of Defoe’s economic contentions as well as a different reading of his most disputable characters.重商主義商人精神道地的商人女商人性別mercantilismtradesman mentalitycomplete tradesmanwomen in businessgender描摹狄福的女商人:《茉兒‧佛蘭德斯》與《蘿克珊娜》中的重商主義與性別議題Portraits of Women in Business: Mercantilism and Gender in Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana