林慧斐Lin, Hui-Fei侯瑀恬Hou, Yu-Tien2023-12-082023-07-122023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6572047f69757d4e8e07fec3ad88e247/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118940「群眾募資」市場發展至今已逾十年,更讓具有創意或理念的提案人,有商品曝光與籌募資金的機會,其中「公益類型募資專案」難以以優惠價格或是預購商品形式吸引募資者,如何將其推廣、行銷更顯重要,因此,本研究選擇「公益類型募資專案」作為研究主題,並以群眾募資平台特性與公益行銷為論述基礎,以2 (專案性質:一次性集資 VS.訂閱式集資)x 2 (專案內容訴求:理性訴求 VS.感性訴求)x 2 (回饋方案訴求:利他訴求 VS.利己訴求)之三因子組間實驗,探討其對依變項募資專案行銷效果(專案態度、贊助意願、分享意願)之影響,並以同理心作為專案內容訴求與募資專案行銷效果之中介變項,以期能供非營利組織於募款時嘗試不同類型且適合募資平台此媒介之溝通策略。本研究結果顯示:(1)在公益類型募資專案中,專案內容採取「感性訴求」相較於 「理性訴求」會有較佳募資專案行銷效果;(2)在專案內容為「理性訴求」的公益類型募資專案中,回饋方案採「利他訴求」相較於利己訴求會具有較佳的募資專案行銷效果; (3) 在「訂閱式集資」的公益類型募資專案中,專案內容採取「感性訴求」相較於理性訴求會有有較佳之募資專案行銷效果;(4)「同理心」分別中介專案內容與募資專案行銷效果間的關係。The crowdfunding market has developed for over a decade, providing opportunities for creative and innovative individuals to showcase their products and raise funds. However, charitable crowdfunding projects have difficulty raising funds because they cannot attract backers through discounts or pre-orders. Therefore, this study focuses on charitable crowdfunding and uses the characteristics of crowdfunding platforms and nonprofit marketing as the basis for discussion. This study adopts a two (project model: one-off payment vs. subscription-based payment) x two (campaign appeal: rational appeal vs. emotional appeal) x two (rewards appeal: other-benefit appeal vs. self-benefit appeal) three-factor between-subject experimental design. The study examines the effect of these factors on the dependent variables of crowdfunding project marketing effectiveness (project attitude, support intention, sharing intention). Empathy is used as a mediation variable between project content appeal and crowdfunding project marketing effectiveness, in the hope of providing non-profit organizations with communication strategies for different types of crowdfunding projects that are suitable for the crowdfunding platform.The results of this study show that: (1) in charitable crowdfunding projects, compared to rational appeal campaigns, emotional appeal campaigns lead to a better crowdfunding project marketing effect; (2) in charitable crowdfunding projects, concerning rational appeal campaign, using other-benefit appeal rewards leads to a better crowdfunding project marketing effect than using self-benefit appeal; (3) in charitable crowdfunding projects concerning subscription-based payments, using emotionalappeal campaigns leads to a better crowdfunding project marketing effect than using rational appeal; and (4) empathy mediates the relationship between project content and crowdfunding project marketing effectiveness.群眾募資公益類型群眾募資募資專案性質募資專案內容回饋方案推敲可能性模型同理心CrowdfundingCharitable crowdfundingCrowdfunding project modelCrowdfunding campaignCrowdfunding rewardsElaboration likelihood modelEmpathy專案性質、專案內容訴求與回饋方案訴求對公益類型群眾募資專案行銷效果之影響The Effect on Crowdfunding Project Model, Campaign Appeal and Rewards Appeal on the Marketing of Charitable Crowdfundingetd