李振明Lee Jimmy陳維安Chen Wei-An2020-12-102018-4-172020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099603113%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115067本研究從彩墨花卉母題的探討開始,溯探花鳥畫的淵源,體會宋儒「觀萬物生意」之內涵,探討物象再現的水墨趣味,試圖以繪畫方式表現自然物象之生機無限。 筆者以在臺灣鄉野常見之百合與蒲公英作為主要描繪對象。透過理性的觀察了解其造形特徵及生態習性,並加入臺灣在地文化意象為主要元素進行水墨創作,同時嘗試水與墨和彩之間技法表現的可能性,以追求水墨創作的趣味與美感。 臺灣原住民中魯凱族人就是以臺灣百合作為族花,代表著榮耀與純潔。在2006年由台灣行政院新聞局舉辦的台灣意象票選活動中臺灣百合也被列入候選名單之一。而臺灣蒲公英有著堅韌的生命力,不畏惡劣的環境仍能深根拔地,象徵臺灣人刻苦努力的精神。看那白色小傘的種子隨風輕飄,就又能夠繁衍生命。這兩種花卉除了在地生長可食用可藥用之外,筆者更取其生態之美及其生生不息之生命意象作為表現在地人文精神之希望與榮耀。 第三章筆者從中西畫作中百合與蒲公英之圖象藝術表現,探討創作題材與符號的運用以及創作的形式與技法。第四章則以百合和蒲公英在個人創作中的象徵意義作為思考的基礎進行創作,探討畫作中關於形式佈局及色彩線條的描繪,並說明創作理念與作品分析,藉作品自述省察個人看法。最後的結論除整理歸納個人創作之心得與感想,更期許自己能在創作上有所突破並繼續研究。The thesis is conducted to study the color ink flowers painting and trace the root of flower-and-bird painting, experience the mind of “observe natural creatures and explore its meanings” in Sung Dynasty. The author attempt present the vivid nature phenomenon through painting.. The author mainly depicts lilies and dandelions in rural areas of Taiwan. I observe their characteristics and ecological habits, add the elements of native Taiwan cultural images. The thesis also seeks the possibilities to balance the paintings of water, ink and colors, to pursue the pure beauty and delights in water painting. The Taiwan lily is the symbol of group flower for the Rukai who is one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. The Taiwan lily is represent glory and purity. In 2000, the Government Information Office hold a vote, in this vote, the Taiwan lily was selected to be one of the Taiwan’s images. The Taiwan dandelions have persevering vitality. Despite the harsh environment, it can still grow finely on the ground, just like the people in Taiwan. Its white seeds can spread through the wind and generated the next generation at the same time. Both of these flowers are edible and natively growth. The author would take its spirit of ecological beauty and lifelong characteristics. Furthermore, the thesis would like explore the creation subjects, the symbol usages, creative forms and techniques from eastern and western paintings. Based on the spirits of Taiwan lilies and dandelions, the thesis discusses the formations, colors and lines. It also explains the creative thinking and works analysis. The author retrospects individual points of view. Finally, the thesis concludes the research reflections. I hope the research can still breakthrough and go on developing.魯凱族台灣百合臺灣蒲公英意象the RukaiTaiwan LilyMongolian DandelionImages生生無限意─陳維安水墨創作論述Endless Spirit – The Water Ink Painting Creation Thesis by Chen Wei-An