田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan古屏蓉KU, PING-JUNG2024-12-172029-01-192024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a5ce830d6d29c62c4b119810a43d5cda/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122502本研究主要探討長期重複自我傷害的國中生成功不再發生自傷行為的復原歷程,同時也關注家庭、學校系統、處遇系統分別與自傷國中生的互動關係。本研究採取質性研究,邀請曾經在國中時期出現過長期重複自我傷害的青少女以及共同陪伴成功復原的兩位家長、四位學校老師以及一位處遇系統的駐校社工師等,共八位參與者進行半結構式的訪談。研究方法採用個案研究法進行資料分析,配合研究目的,本研究結果如下:國中生出現長期重複自我傷害的行為,其成長歷程中與重要他人,諸如:父母、手足、老師、朋友、同儕等負向互動是關鍵因素。在陪伴長期重複自我傷害國中生復原歷程中,對個案的同理是輔導功能可以功能最大化的原因。長期重複自我傷害國中的復經歷曲折多變,周遭系統人員團隊合作可以有效抵抗在陪伴中產生的耗能。This study focuses on the recovery process of chronic self-injurious adolescents from self-injurious behaviors, as well as the interactions between the family, the school system, and the encounter system with self-injurious adolescents. In this study, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with a young girl who had experienced prolonged self-injury during junior high school. Including two parents who had accompanied them through the recovery process, four school teachers, and one social worker from the encounter system. This study use case study Research to analyze the data, and the results of this study, in line with the objectives of the study, are as follows.Negative interactions with significant others, such as parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and peers, are key factors in the development of secondary school students with chronic and repetitive self-injurious behaviors.Empathy for the case is what maximizes the functioning of the counseling function in accompanying junior high school student in the recovery process from chronic repetitive self-injury.Chronic repetitive self-harm in junior high school, the recovery experience is so varied that the teamwork of people in the peripheral system can be effective in counteracting the energy drain of companionship.國中生長期重複自我傷害復原力junior high school studentschronic repetitive self-harmresilience以個案研究法探討長期重複自我傷害國中生的復原歷程A Case Study Research of Exploring the Recovery Processes of Chronic Repetitive Self-Injury Among Junior High School Student學術論文