王梅玲Mei-Ling Wang2014-10-272014-10-272003-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15047本論文旨在研究美國圖書資訊學校網路教學,探討其意涵、原理、實施現況,以及在正規教育與繼續教育的應用,以供我國未來發展借鑑。研究方法採網站調查法,以美國圖書館學會認可的提供遠距教育的圖書資訊學校為對象,針對其遠距教育網站進行資料蒐集與內容分析。38校有26校提供網路教學,並有7校以網路教學授予碩士學位。本論文首先概介38個圖書資訊學研究所基本資料、遠距教育形式、以及網站內容與結構。其次,析述網路教學概況、簡史、提供學程/課程種類、網路教學方式、課程設計與主題、網路教學系統、教師、學生、行政與管理、與繼續教育的應用等。The use of distance education to reach distant student in Library education in the United States began in 1888. After one hundred years developed, web-based distance education is popular among library and information science schools. This study mainly discusses web-based instruction in library and information science in the United States. At first, it explores the definitions, theories, values, instruction methods, and system components of web-based distance education. Findings are reported from a web survey of 38 library and information science schools in the U.S., regarding web-based instruction at their institutions. Results of the study show that 26 schools provide web-based instruction. Finally, the study presents an exploratory descriptive analysis of general information, history, program levels, teaching methods, courses design, instruction systems, teacher, students, administration, management, and continuing education implementation of web-based instruction in those schools.遠距教學網路教學網路遠距教學圖書資訊學教育美國Distance educationWeb-based instructionWeb-based distance educationLibrary and information educationUnited states美國圖書資訊學網路教學調查研究Web-based Instruction in Library and Information Science in the United States : A Survey