闕月清Keh Nyit Chin林勤昌Lin chin-chang2019-09-052005-7-132019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1043008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104860遊戲課程對學齡前兒童基本動作能力之影響 中華民國九十四年六月 研 究 生:林勤昌 指導教授:闕月清 摘 要 本研究旨在探討遊戲課程對學齡前兒童基本動作能力發展之影響。研究主要目的為:(一)探討遊戲課程對學齡前兒童基本動作能力在課程實施前、後差異情形;(二)探討遊戲課程對不同性別學齡前兒童基本動作能力發展之差異;(三)探討遊戲課程對不同年齡學齡前兒童基本動作能力發展之差異。本實驗參與者以高雄市樹德家商附設幼稚園中、大班學齡前兒童共99名(男60名;女39名),年齡在55~78個月之間。本研究透過八週十六次,每次三十分鐘遊戲課程之實施,探討其對學齡前兒童基本動作能力之影響。在遊戲課程實驗前、後實施四項基本動作能力測驗做為評估之基準:棒上單足立、立定跳遠、25公尺快跑、棒球擲遠。以相依樣本t考驗做為統計分析實施前、後所蒐集之資料,所有差異性考驗顯著水準定為p<.05。統計分析所得結果如下:(一)遊戲課程對學齡前兒童之基本動作能力發展,有顯著差異(p<.05);(二)遊戲課程對不同性別學齡前兒童之基本動作能力發展,有顯著差異(p<.05);(三)遊戲課程對學齡前兒童基本動作能力在不同性別差異上,男學齡前兒童在移動性(立定跳遠、25公尺快跑)及操作性(棒球擲遠)等三項基本動作能力,優於女學齡前兒童且有顯著性差異(p<.05);而女學齡前兒童在穩定性(棒上單足立),優於男學齡前兒童,且有顯著性差異(p<.05);(四)遊戲課程對不同年齡(55~78個月)學齡前兒童基本動作能力發展,有顯著差異(p<.05)。 關鍵詞:遊戲課程、基本動作能力、學齡前兒童The Effects of Play Physical Education Program on the Fundamental Movement Development of Preschool Children Master thesis, June, 2005 Lin, Chin-Chang Advisor: Keh Nyit Chin, Ph.D. Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the play physical education program. More specifically to investigate:(1) The effects of the play physical education program on the fundamental movement development of preschool children before and after the lessons. (2) The effects of the play physical education program on the fundamental movement development of preschool children of different genders. (3) The effects of the play physical education program on the fundamental movement development of preschool children of different ages. The participants of this study were 99 preschool children (males=60; females=39) from an affiliated kindergarten of a Home Economics & Commercial School in Kaohsiung. The average age of these children was 55~78 months. Sixteen 30-minute lessons were taught to the children twice a week for 8 weeks. Four fundamental movement tests including standing on the board with single foot, one-step long jump, 25-meter running and baseball throwing were administered to the children. The scores of these four items were used as the standards for evaluation. The scores of were analyzed statistically using t-test (p<.05). The results were as follows: (1) There was significant difference (p<.05) on the fundamental movement development of preschool children after the play physical education program. (2) There was significant difference (p<.05) between different genders of the play physical education program on the fundamental movement development of preschool children. (3) Males preschool children were significantly better than female preschool children in the scores on the standing long jump, 25-meter running, and baseball throwing ( p<.05), while females were significantly better than males in the scores on the standing on the board with single foot (p<.05). (4) There was significant difference (p<.05) between different ages(55~78 months)of the play physical education program on the fundamental movement development of preschool children. key words: play physical education program, fundamental movement, preschool children遊戲課程基本動作能力學齡前兒童play physical education programfundamental movementpreschool children遊戲課程對學齡前兒童基本動作能力之影響The Effects of Play Physical Education Program on the Fundamental Movement Development of Preschool Children