信世昌韓融衛Harnsedtakan, Thiradej2019-08-282015-08-122019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060184031I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86159 近幾年來,中國大陸的崛起引發華語熱,全球也隨著該熱潮積極學習華語,泰國也不例外,包括許多幼稚園逐漸開設華語課程,反映學習者年齡降低之現象。全語言教學原則在幼兒語言學習領域佔據重要地位,在泰國已實施20多年,不過能夠體現全語言教學原則精神之學校非常鮮見,故本研究希望能夠融入全語言教學原則設計針對泰國幼兒的華語課程以提升幼兒學習成效,為泰國幼兒華語教學提供參考。 本論文採用發展型研究法,首先探討相關文獻並以其為基礎,內容包括泰國幼兒華語現況、全語言教學原則理論、兒童語言習得。其次,透過課程觀察調查教學現況,針對家長實施問卷調查現有課程滿意度及課程需求,並與教師訪談以蒐集教師意見,以此確認本研究課程設計之需求,據此規劃教學綱要與範例。課程設計完畢,擷取部分內容進行教學試驗,驗證教學成效。最後,根據試驗回饋修正本課程設計。 研究結果可分成以下五點:第一,雖一些泰國幼稚園發展華語課程,且達到一定的教學成效,但仍存在許多待改善之處。第二,從調查結果可知,家長的需求皆符合全語言教學原則,即教學內容不脫離兒童生活、聽說讀寫四項技能同步教導、教師使用華語多於泰語等等。第三,透過課堂觀察發現,一般的課堂教學尚未能完整呈現全語言教學原則的主要精神,即無法實踐「從整體到部分」的理念。第四,本研究結合全語言教學原則,強調語言應在具完整形式、有意義、具功能性的情況下被使用,設計出符合全語言教學精神之幼兒華語課程。第五,本研究實施教學試驗後發現,學生對本課程深感興趣,十分積極地參與課堂活動,且絕大多數的學生最後都能夠掌握教學內容。 As the consequence of China’s economic boom, there is an increased interest in learning Chinese around the globe, including Thailand. The greatest numbers of kindergartens in Thailand starting to teach Chinese shows that the age of learners of Chinese in Thailand has declined. One of the most commonly-used principles in kindergarten is the Whole Language Principle, even though with over 20 years in Thailand, but to be able to embody the essence of Whole Language is rarely seen. Therefore, this research attempted to integrate the concept of Whole Language Principle and design a set of Chinese courses for Kindergarten in Thailand, in order to increase the learning efficiency. This research adopted the Developmental Research method. First, the researcher reviewed the literatureas a basis for the curriculum design, including papers about the current situation of teaching Chinese in Thai kindergarten, Whole Language Principle, and Child Language Learning Theories. Second, the researcher observed Chinese classrooms to analyze the current kindergarten Chinese teaching situation. Third, questionnaire survey was given to the parents to obtain their satisfaction and needs relating to preschool Chinese curriculum as “need analysis”. Fourth interviewed teachers to obtain their views on Chinese class for kindergarten, and then developed a Chinese course syllabus and examples, based on the above information. Fifth, researcher conducted experimental teaching. Last, commented on the experimental teaching and revised the design. The results of the study are as follows: 1) Even though a number of kindergartens have attempted to develop their Chinese curriculum, with some of them being quite effective, there are still some problems that need to be solved. 2) The results of the need analysis found that, the needs of the parents correspond to Whole Language Principle, such as the contents are related to the student’s life, the teacher should teach listening, speaking, reading and writing at the same time, the teacher should use Chinese more than Thai in classroom, etc. 3) From classroom observation, the researcher discovered that none of the classrooms shows the essence of Whole Language, and failed to put “from whole to part” principle into practice. 4) This curriculum design applied the Whole Language Principle, which emphasizes that language should be used in complete form, meaningful, and functional in learning situations. 5) After the experimental teaching, the researcher found that students are profoundly interested in the course, actively involved in classroom activities, and most of the students can master the taught content.全語言教學幼兒華語課程設計華語教學泰國幼稚園Whole LanguageChinese PreschoolCurriculum DesignTeaching ChineseKindergarten in Thailand結合全語言教學原則之幼兒華語課程設計之嘗試-以泰國幼稚園為例Applying the Whole Language Principle to Chinese Curriculum Design for Thai Kindergartens