曾俊傑Tseng, Jun-Jie洪禎利Hung, Chen-Lee2024-12-172024-02-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/be3bee9a9da1bc9220131b6c241a333a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123097為落實政府的雙語政策(該政策強調在英語課堂裡竭盡所能的使用英語),臺灣各級教育機構,從小學到大專院校,正亟亟推廣以英語教授英語(TETE)。然事際上此政策未能受所有學子青睞,甚至導致師生課室衝突;因此,跨語言教學之應用不失為一個利於學習新語言的適切之道。然而,在臺灣很少有相關問題的探討,關於跨語言使用以及國中教室裡英語使用量的相關研究也很少。因此,這項採用三份問卷調查及自八十位參與者中邀請三十位學生進行半結構式訪談的混合研究方法,旨在調查學生對於教師使用外語(英語)以及他們對於跨語言教學的看法。方從國小畢業、來自臺灣一所公立國中三個班級平均年齡為十三歲的七年級新生參與了此項研究,其英語程度為初階水平。藉由重複測量變異數分析,檢視了學生對於教師使用他們的母語(中文)以及外語的看法,並使用問卷中的李克特量表項目評估他們對於跨語言實施的態度。透過內容分析,如:問卷中的開放式問答、半結構式訪談、以及受訪者對於研究結果進一步說明或解釋等質性資料,三角驗證了研究結果。研究發現顯示,學生普遍接受並認同跨語言使用,認為它可以提升學生的參與度、增加科目理解能力、也能減輕外語學習的焦慮。此外,他們表示僅能接受課堂上50% 至60% (以一堂45分鐘的英語課而言,約佔23至27分鐘)的英語授課比例,擔心如果教師創造100% 的英語學習環境,學習效果反而面臨大打折扣的窘境。本研究最後提出了對政策制定者和語言教師在教育環境中的啟示,呼籲他們創造一個跨語言的學習空間、減輕心理壓力以促進學習成效,儘可能擺脫外語課堂裡英語至上的單語言意識形態,並期透過學習者的視角使跨語言教育更加受到重視。To fulfill the government's bilingual policy which stresses the maximal use of English in the EFL classroom, educational establishments of all levels, from elementary through tertiary institutions in Taiwan, are rushing to promote Teaching English through English (TETE), which in fact may not be acceptable to all students and may even lead to conflicts between teachers and students if implemented. Translanguaging, a means of learning a new language, has thus become a successful solution to the problem. However, pertinent issues are rarely raised or discussed in Taiwan, and only scant research concerning translanguaging and the amount of English used in junior high school classrooms is available. Therefore, this mixed method study, employing three questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews with 30 students from 80 participants, aims to investigate students’ perceptions of their teacher’s use of L2 (English) as well as their perspectives on translanguaging practices. Three intact classes of Taiwanese seventh graders from a public junior high school who had just completed elementary school participated in the study. They averaged 13 years of age with a beginner English language proficiency level. The students’ perceptions about their teacher’s use of L1 (Chinese) and L2 were examined using a repeated measures ANOVA, whereas their attitudes toward translanguaging practices were assessed using Likert-type items in the questionnaire. Through content analysis, qualitative data collected from open-ended questions in questionnaires, semi-structured individual interviews, and clarifications provided by respondents were used to support the survey results.Research findings showed that the students generally embraced translanguaging positively. There was widespread agreement among them that translanguaging enhanced student participation, improved subject comprehension, and alleviated foreign language anxiety. Moreover, the students also expressed concerns that they could only accept 50% to 60% English use in class (about 23 to 27 minutes' English exposure in a 45-minute English lesson); their learning might be negatively affected if the teacher-researcher used 100% English. This study concludes by presenting the implications of its findings for policy makers and language teachers in educational environments, urging them to create a translanguaging space to facilitate learning and relieve stress, to work on shifting away from monolingual ideologies in EFL classrooms, and to be more aware of translanguaging practices through learners' perspectives.跨語言以英語教授英語 (TETE)學生看法國中translanguagingteaching English through English (TETE)students' perceptionsjunior high school在以英語教英語的情境下臺灣國中生對於跨語言教學之看法EFL Students' Perceptions of Translanguaging in Taiwanese Junior High School Classrooms專業實務報告(專業實務類)