陳存恭先生Chen,Tsun-Kung Ph. D.龔建國Kung,Chien-Kuo2019-08-282009-1-312019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094102112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85511李德哈達云:「歷史是宇宙的經驗,比任何個人的經驗都長久,更廣泛、更複雜多變。」所以,我們為何不向歷史學習?同樣,國軍在1950-1961年代,當時面對中共血洗台彎的恫嚇,及國際間對在風雨飄搖中的我國,心存觀望與漠視,對所處的環境,又何嘗不是如此呢? 國府遷台後,陸軍從1950-1961年間,組織體系歷經幾個重要階段的變革,各階段的組織演變與發展過程,均因應不同時空環境作關鍵性變遷,而進行必要的組織結構調整與改變,以符合的當時反攻復國需求與國人之期望,無論是在組織體制、單位設立、編制、人員上,有著非常大的變化。建軍政策與建軍思想,一直是國防部重要的施政目標與方向,亦是國軍提升戰力的重要指標。其功能與效率往往相互為關,國防部負責國防政策、建軍思想與在軍事上鞏固復興基地-台灣,進圖光復大陸之施政重點,對實施陸軍改組,調整機構充實戰力的提升,有其重要性與影響力。本研究係以陸軍組織發展的理論研究組織變革,以建立構機構組織發展的運作模式,以及了解當時陸軍在執行任務與面臨的問題,並根據陸軍部隊在組織的實際運作狀況,試圖提出發展組織的方向,創造更有利於國軍建軍備戰發展環境與條件,進而整體提升陸軍整體戰力,以期達到國家所賦予的責任與目標。 本研究首先藉由文獻分析與歷史研究,探討組織發展的相關內容,建構研究理論的基礎;其次,根據文獻分析的結果,擬定提綱,並廣泛蒐集資料與訪問軍事耆宿提供寶貴意見及實務經驗,作為陸軍在組織發展與整軍備戰的論證參考。 綜合文獻分析與歷史研究,配合國軍檔案之研析,與訪談的研究結果,發現陸軍在1950-1961年間,由於部隊的精簡、汰除與整編、軍事院校的復校,和受美軍援後,及美、日顧問團參與陸軍整軍歷程等時期,陸軍各部隊的組織體系變革與發展,對陸軍戰力提升的幫助。 根據上述研究發現,本研究提出具體研究建議包括:一、全民國防,有效運用全國人力、物力、財力,以憲政建設為基礎、以軍事建設為核心、以經濟建設為後盾、以心理建設為動力,支持防衛作戰整備,強化全民國防力量。二、國防軍備,國防軍備以國防自主為核心,也是一國國力的綜合表現。是國軍建軍以來一直秉持的理念,國軍應更積極擴大與產、官、學、研各界合作,厚植國防科技工業能量於民間,朝「國防自主、全民國防、科技建軍、自製優先」的目標前進。三、現代化國防,國防現代化不應僅僅是著重硬體-船堅砲利,更重要的是配套的軟體—從事戰鬥的軍人素質和組織文化。國軍應以更積極的態度汲取新知、即時掌握全球軍事脈動及培養更多優秀的國防人才,才能因應未來戰爭的挑戰。四、精兵政策,政府遷台之後,依據戰略之調整,縮減員額,精兵政策取得一定成效;我國防建軍的理念,朝向建立嚇阻而非對等的力量,要建立一個高素質、高科技的精銳武力,在「量少質精戰力強」的建軍指導下,改良現行兵制,建立一支具有強大防衛能力的武力,是精兵政策中之精髓,也是刻不容緩之事。五、軍人精神教育,中心思想對國軍的影響是相當重要,國軍為堅定立場與使命,確立「以憲法為根基,以民意為依據」、「為何為戰─為中華民國國家生存發展而戰;為誰而戰─為中華民國百姓安全福祉而戰」的中心信念,進一步鞏固中心思想。According to Liddell Hart, history is the experience of the universe and it is longer and more complex than individual experience. If so, why don’t we learn lessons from history? The ROC Armed Forces in 1950-1961 was an example of learning lessons from history. At that period of time the ROC was faced with intimidation from the Communist China and treated indifferently by the international community. After the Natianalist government moved to Taiwan, in 1950-1961, the ROC Army had undergone several critical phases of transformation in order to adjust to the changing environment. In order to meet the demand of launching a counterattack, the ROC Army made tremendous change in its organization, force structure, and strength. Military buildup policy and mindset were directing the administration of the Ministry of National Defense. The Ministry was responsible for defense policy, military buildup and consolidating Taiwan as the base for recovering lost territory. Therefore, the Ministry had influence on the reforms and modernization of the Army. This study focuses on organizational development of the Army, in order to establish operational patterns of organizational development and understand the difficulties the Army encountered while fulfilling its missions. In addition, this study attempts to provide a roadmap of organizational development for the Army, in the hope of that the Army improves its capability to accomplish the national goal. This thesis began with literature analysis and history study, in order to explore the content of organizational development and build up the basis of research theory. Research outlines were drawn out according to the result of literature analysis. Multi-resource information collected and interview with veterans with practical experience were used as reference of organizational development of the Army. The study shows that the organizational change and development of each Army troops plays a positive role in helping the Army to improve its capability. Based on the above study result, this thesis would propose suggestions as follows: a) All-out Defense—effective employment of manpower, material and money all over the country. b) Self-contained Defense—promoting cooperation among the industry, government, academy, and research communities, and basing defense technology on the private sector. c) Defense Modernization—the quality of the military men and women is more important than advanced weapon systems in responding the future challenges. d) Streamlined Troops—the goal of military buildup is to build a credible deterrence force rather than a force equal to enemy in quality and quantity. e) Spiritual Education—clarifying the idea about why they fight and what for they fight.國府組織發展組織變革全民國防軍事思想陸軍部隊軍事學校作戰整備政治作戰戰場經營Natianalist Governmentorganizational developmentorganizational changeall-out defensemilitary thoughtArmy troopsmilitary schoolscombat readinesspolitical warfarebattle management國府遷台後陸軍之整編(1950-1961)---一個組織再造的實例Transformation of the ROC Army after the Natianalist Government Moved to Taiwan, 1950-1961