翁佳芬廖偉曄Liao, Wei-Yeh2019-09-062012-1-112019-09-062012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097903105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108430契爾考特(Bob Chilcott, 1955-)為當代活躍的英國作曲家。他自幼參加合唱團,九歲時進入國王學院合唱團,並擔任佛瑞《安魂曲》錄音第四樂章〈仁慈耶穌〉之獨唱,這個事件給他莫大鼓勵,使他一輩子和合唱結下不解之緣。1985年至1997年契爾考特加入著名重唱團體「國王歌手」負責演唱男高音,與其他五名團員巡迴世界各地演出,累積了豐富的演唱與作曲經歷。這些經驗讓契爾考特在日後的作曲生涯中,以合唱曲為主要創作樂種,包含1998年完成的同聲彌撒作品《和平彌撒曲》。 《和平彌撒曲》為契爾考特受英國徹斯特音樂協會少年合唱團所委託創作,是一部由風琴伴奏的同聲合唱彌撒曲。1998年完成後,同年6月於徹斯特首演,8月由牛津大學出版社發行樂譜。這部作品包含五個樂章:〈進堂曲與垂憐曲〉、〈光榮頌〉、〈歡呼歌〉、〈迎主曲〉及〈羔羊讚〉,樂曲難度不高,旋律優美,節奏單純,織度結構簡明,演出時間約為十二至十三分鐘之間,相當適合兒童、青少年或其他同聲合唱團學習。 本論文共分為五章。第一章為緒論;第二章為背景探究,第一節介紹作曲者契爾考特之生平,第二節探討此作品之創作緣由;第三章為創作手法分析,分為五節,依序論述五個樂章之創作手法;第四章為合唱教學與詮釋,亦分為五節就各樂章之教學、樂曲詮釋進行探討並提供建議;第五章為結論。論文最後另有四則附錄:附錄一為研究者與作曲家書信往來之電子郵件全文;附錄二為《和平彌撒曲》之經文歌詞翻譯;附錄三為拉丁文咬字說明;附錄四為契爾考特已出版之同聲合唱作品列表。 關鍵字:契爾考特、和平彌撒曲Bob Chilcott (1955- ) is a popular contemporary British composer. He started out singing in the choir at a very young age and later sang tenor for the well-celebrated vocal group “The King's Singers” from 1985 to 1997. These experiences then led him to focus on the choral compositions and arrangements, secular and sacred. Among these works, Peace Mass is a short mass for children or youth choirs. The Peace Mass, arranged for upper-voice with organ accompaniment, was commissioned by the Chester Music Society Junior Choir. It was completed in 1998, first performed in that July, and published by Oxford University Press a month later. The mass consists of five sections: Introduction-Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei, each section has its own music characters and styles. The Peace Mass has beautiful melody, simple rhythm, clear texture, and 12 to 13 minutes in length. It is a pleasurable piece to perform in the concert. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction. Chapter two offers some background about Chilcott and the reasons for the creation of Peace Mass. Chapter three analyzes the compositional techniques Chilcott used in Peace Mass and comes in five parts of each musical section. Likewise, chapter four also has five parts that discuss the choral rehearsal technique and interpretation of the music. Finally, the conclusion shall be drawn in chapter five. Four appendixes in this thesis: appendix 1 is the correspondence between the author and the composer by e-mail in the course of this study; appendix 2 is a Chinese translation of the text of Peace Mass; appendix 3 is a collection of instructions on the articulation of the Latin language; lastly, appendix 4 is a list of Chilcott’s published works of upper-voice chorus up to the present time. 關鍵字:Bob Chilcott、Peace Mass契爾考特和平彌撒曲Bob ChilcottPeace Mass鮑伯‧契爾考特《和平彌撒曲》之研究Peace Mass / Bob Chilcott