陳子瑋博士Dr. Tze-wei Chen林曉汶Vivienne Hsiaowen Lin2019-09-032014-2-272019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698250097%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/9607120世紀以來,口譯學界致力於“卓越品質”相關的研究,卻頻頻遇到瓶頸。由於缺乏一個有效度且適用於不同口譯情境與背景的品質期望測量方法,即便有許多實證研究企圖了解口譯服務使用者,卻因此無法相互比較,歸納出更進一步的結論與發展。 針對這個問題,本研究發展出會議同步口譯的服務品質模型與服務品質的測量方法,用以測量客戶對於會議同步口譯服務品質的期望。此模型和測量方法具有高度的信度,可用以了解不同地區的客戶對於會議同步口譯品質的期望,並進行比較。不同口譯服務類型或情境的研究也可以此模型與測量方法為依據,增加或修改部分服務品質項目,以應用於不同的情境。本研究跳脫目前口譯界以語言及口譯技巧為主的品質範疇,提出會議同步口譯的「功能性品質」(Functional Quality)面向,並透過實證研究證明,對於會議同步口譯客戶所認知的服務品質來說,該面向的品質與「技術性品質」(Technical Quality)同等重要。 此研究首次針對會議同步口譯客戶在「功能性品質」與「技術性品質」的期望進行研究。研究結果發現,對會議同步口譯的客戶來說,雖然一定程度的「技術性品質」是滿意度的前提,但是在此之上,「功能性品質」開始扮演更重要的角色。希望有效推展業務的口譯員,必須要意識到「功能性品質」的重要性,特別是有關「態度」與「溝通」的品質項目。 為了要證明服務品質可為會議同步口譯業務帶來優勢,本研究發現,客戶對於會議同步口譯品質的認知與其滿意度、回購意願、口碑,與溢價皆呈現高度正相關的關係。這個結果證明服務品質在會議同步口譯服務客戶的決策過程中扮演重要的角色;也意味著,為了有效提升客戶關係管理,口譯員必須同時在「功能性品質」與「技術性品質」兩方面提供優質的服務。Since 20th Century, the conference interpreting community has been dedicating efforts in the search of “what it takes for excellence” in the profession. Regardless of the endeavors, frustrations have been experienced by the community in the pursuit of quality. With emerging efforts dedicated to understanding users, in absence of a valid quality measurement instruments that can be applied across the board, empirical studies in the field has limited comparability. In addressing this issue, this study develops a service quality model and service quality measurement instrument to measure clients’ expectations in conference interpreting service. This model and instrument is confirmed with high validity, and can be used to learn clients’ expectations on service quality in different countries for comparison. It can also be expanded by adding/revising service dimensions or attributes for interpreting services in different settings. With this model and instrument, this study goes beyond the existing quality attributes embraced by the interpreting community which focus mainly on linguistic and interpreting skill related attributes, and introduces a new dimension of conference interpreting quality—the functional quality, then proves with findings that it is equally important as the technical quality to the clients’ perception of service quality. As the first empirical study on client expectation regarding both the functional and technical quality attributes of conference interpreting, this study finds that though a “satisfactory level” of technical quality in conference interpreting is the prerequisite to positive quality perceptions and satisfaction of clients, beyond that level, functional quality starts to play a vital role. Interpreters who wish to advance their business should acknowledge the significance of functional quality, particularly the attributes related to attitude and communication. In proving the advantages of service quality in the context of conference interpreting, this study finds that the perceived service quality of conference interpreting has a positive correlation with client satisfaction, repurchase willingness, word of mouth, and price premium. These findings signify the critical role service quality plays in clients’ decision making process and imply that, to ensure client retention and gain referrals, conference interpreters need to deliver satisfactory service quality in terms of both technical and functional quality.服務品質會議同步口譯客戶期望口譯員SERVQUAL專業服務滿意度客戶關係管理service qualityconference interpretingclient expectationinterpreterSERVQUALprofessional servicesatisfactionclient relationship management會議口譯服務品質模型與客戶期望分析SERVICE QUALITY MODEL& EXPECTATION ANALYSIS OF CONFERENCE INTERPRETING