葉欣誠Yeh, Shin-Cheng古芳華Ku, Fang-Hua2020-12-142020-02-072020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060646023S%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111490人類社會由許多不同的群體構成,不同群體有不同的專業、思考方式以及信念。然而,不論何種群體都必須共同面臨永續發展的挑戰。其中,環境保護與經濟發展之間的策略與價值差異和共同合作的可能性一直是各方關切的議題,若可能合作的雙方彼此不夠了解,常以自己慣性思考的方式看待事物,甚至以想像揣摩對方,在溝通時,較可能發現對方與我們原來想像或認知的樣貌不同,甚至認為對方的信念與行為會對自己歸屬的群體造成負面影響,進而影響該群體未來的行為意向,此現象在社會心理領域稱為「群際威脅(intergroup threat)」。 本研究利用群際威脅理論,以環境領域群體與商管領域群體為例,探討跨領域溝通時,兩群體主要感受的威脅來源,並歸納面對威脅時的情緒反應及行為意圖。問卷分析結果顯示,環境領域與商管領域兩群體之間的確存在威脅感。兩群體在互動時,環境領域群體感受到的威脅以「象徵威脅」與「社會認同威脅」較為強烈,代表環境領域群體中的成員在意其他內群體成員是否認同自己,並認為商管領域群體與他們的價值觀不同,且會威脅到他們的信念;商管領域群體感受到的威脅則以「現實威脅」與「社會認同威脅」較為強烈,代表商管領域群體認為環境領域者的想法與行動會對商管領域者造成現實利益的威脅,同樣也在意其他內群體成員是否認同自己。總體來說,兩群體面對威脅時的情緒反應是「緊張」,但對另一群體的態度及行為意圖卻不同。研究發現兩群體互動時,環境領域群體表示「不喜歡」商管領域群體,面對彼此的關係無顯著的行為傾向;商管領域群體則表示「同情」環境領域群體,無採取特別的行為並以消極的態度接受彼此的關係。 同時,研究者也使用深度訪談法進一步分析兩群體之間存在威脅感的原因,並整理出受訪者提供的兩群體溝通策略,包括聆聽不同群體的需求、尊重不同領域的專業、提高合作方的接觸頻率、換位思考、改變群體成員社會身份的複雜程度,以期日後兩群體在追求永續發展的跨領域合作時,更快速掌握彼此的思維,並促進雙方更長遠的合作。Human society is composed of many different groups. Different groups have different professions and thinking process. All of groups have to face the challenges of sustainable development. Especially, people focus on the relationship between environmental protection and economic development, and also concern two issues supporter can cooperate with each other. If the two groups are cooperation which they do not know each other enough, they will use imagination to known partners by themselves. Hoverer, two groups find each other’ attitudes and behaviors are not the same in their mind. They think their partner’ attitude and behavior will threat themselves, but these threats maybe not real existence. This situation is called “intergroup threats”. This study uses the theory of intergroup threat, which focus on the environmental field and the business field. Its purpose is finding two groups reactions when they feel threats. Following the results of the analysis, we confirm there are some threats between two groups. The environmental field feels “symbolic threats” and “social identity threats” are the most, but the business field feels “realistic threats” and “social identity threats” are the most. In general, two groups feel “tense” when they contact each other which feel threats, but their reaction of attitude and behavior are different. The environmental field expresses they “dislike” the business field, and there was no significant action when they feel threats. The business field expresses they “sympathize” the environmental field, and they accept negatively with their relationships. At the same time, using the in-depth interviewing to analyze the reasons for threats between two groups, and sorting out two groups communication strategies. The strategies are listening the needs of different populations, respecting different professions, increaseing contact frequency, rethinking with empathy, and changing the complexity of the social identity of group members. Therefore, it can help two groups to improve more cooperation opportunities when they pursue sustainable development together.環境領域商管領域群體威脅感群際威脅the environmental fieldthe business fieldgroupthreatintergroup threat環境與商管領域的群際知覺與威脅Intergroup Perception and Threats between the Environmental and the Business Field