陳勇祥Yung Hsiang Chen2019-08-122019-08-122014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81652本文旨在探討服務學習對資優生的成長、反思、回饋與同理,其課程結合社區資源而規劃為八項主題,以增進學生服務之精神與環境互動能力。實施結果發現:學生能主動服務社區、關懷弱勢、提升自身責任,且能反思與檢視自我,並於過程中展現開闊胸襟與包容之情,提升人際溝通技能與情緒管理能力。This article aims to explore the gifted and talented students’ perspective of servicelearning curriculum and feedback. The curriculum was designed that combinedcommunity resources and looked at eight different topics to help promote a spirit of community service among students and community cohesion. The results show that students can take the initiative to serve the community, care for the disadvantaged and enhance their responsibilities. Through self-reflection and an open mind, students learn more about how to develop their interpersonal and emotional management skills as well.資優服務學習課程設計gifted and talentedservice-learningcurriculum design資優學生服務學習課程之設計與實施The Design and Implementation of Service-learning Curriculum for Gifted Students