張雪梅Chang, Sheue-Mei劉佩芬Liu, Pei-Fen2022-06-082021-10-272022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d4ba3f12ac10f96764d222422dcf83ad/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118529本研究主要為了解國中生參與服務與參與服務學習自我決定動機與服務學習歷程經驗現況,分析不同背景變項的國中生在自我決定動機與服務學習歷程經驗上的差異。本研究以北部某一所國中七年級的學生為調查對象,共發出217份問卷,回收篩選後共得209份有效問卷。本研究依文獻探討與問卷調查結果,得到以下結論:一、有約六成的國中生表示在沒有升學需求或學校規定下未來願意繼續參與服務學習。二、國中生參與服務自我決定動機以內在動機與外在調節為主。三、參與服務學習課程方案較未參與課程方案的國中生有高的自我決定程度。四、國中生參與服務學習課程方案後自我決定動機內化程度高。五、女生參與服務與參與服務學習有較高的自我決定程度。六、未來願意繼續參與服務的學生有高的自我決定程度。七、國中生參與服務學習「準備、服務、反思」歷程經驗相較「慶賀」為佳。八、女生參與服務學習歷程經驗佳。九、未來願意繼續服務的學生有較佳的服務學習歷程經驗。十、服務學習歷程經驗佳的國中生自我決定程度高。This purpose of this research is to understand the current situation of junior high school students' self-determination motivations and service learning experience in participating in service and service learning, and analyze the differences in self-determination motivations and service learning experience of junior high school students with different background variables. The seventh grade students of a junior high school in north Taiwan were surveyed in this study. A total of 217 questionnaires were sent out, and a total of 209 valid questionnaires were collected after screening. Basedon the literature review and the results of the questionnaire survey, this research has indicated the following conclusions:1、 About 60% of junior high school students expressed they are willing to continue to participate in the service learning in the future even though there is no entrance requirement or school rule.2、 The self-motivations to participate in service is mainly rely on internal motivation and external adjustment.3、 Students who participated in the service learning curriculum program have a higher degree of self-determination than students who did not participate in the curriculum program.4、 The self-determination motivations of junior high school students are highly internalized after participating in the service learning curriculum program.5、 Girls have a higher degree of self-determination in participating in service and participating in service learning.6、 Students who are willing to continue to participate in the service in the future have a high degree of self-determination.7、 For junior high school students the experience participating in service learning"preparation, service, reflection" is better than "celebration". 8、 Girls have good experience in participating in the service learning process. 9、 Students who are willing to continue to service in the future have better service learning experience. 10、Junior high school students with good service learning experience have high degree of self-determination.自我決定動機服務學習服務學習歷程經驗國中生self-determination motivationservice learningservice learning experiencejunior high school students國中生參與服務學習歷程經驗與自我決定動機研究—以北部某一所國中為例A Study of Experiences in Service Learning and Self-determination Motivation for Junior High School Students –An Example of the Junior High School Students in Northern Taiwan學術論文