吳美美Dr. Wu, Mei-Mei呂文珍Lu, Wen-Chen2019-08-282006-2-12019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0092023220%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88987技專校院乃國內技職體系的高等教育機構,涵蓋科技大學、技術學院與專科學校等三類學校,學制較為複雜;如圖書館有依「大學圖書館設立及營運基準」或「專科學校圖書館設立及營運基準」而設置,館長的任命方式及依據各有所異,定位並不明確。本研究以技專校院各校性質差異,以及圖書館館長個人背景所形成之領導風格與館長職能是否為影響圖書館發展成為知識與學習中心、圖書館服務特色、圖書館專業特性與圖書館未來發展之因素。本研究以問卷調查方式針對國內94所技專校院,探討館長角色扮演與圖書館的發展關係。問卷回收88份,皆為有效問卷,回收率為93.61%。並以變項交叉分析、卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析及Scheff事後考驗進行分析統計。研究發現圖書館館長包括性別、年齡、學歷、年資、專兼任及學科背景等個人特質對圖書館發展並未有顯著的影響;學校公私立性質、圖書館的位階、服務人口等同樣與圖書館的發展影響也不顯著;而館藏規模及學校種類對圖書館發展有顯著地影響,如科技大學優於技術學院和專科學校;館長的領導風格與館長職能兩個層面對圖書館發展皆為顯著,顯示技專校院圖書館館長角色扮演效能對圖書館發展有相當程度的影響力。根據研究結果,本研究提出四項建議:(一)落實教育部獎補助圖書設備專款專用;(二)加強館長職後發展與訓練;(三)對圖書館館長評價予以重視;(四)提升圖書館教育產業效能。本研究提出未來研究建議,包括:研究對象擴及一般大學和中小學、繼續研究調查、採實地觀察之實證研究、以及相關研究配合圖書館行銷理論與加入館長個人認知與情境變項等四項。本研究期望研究發現能使館長角色受到高等教育專業應有之重視。In Taiwan, the term “Technological and Vocational Education” comprises the higher education institutes of university of technology, college of technology and junior college. Libraries in colleges/universities of technology are set up by “The Regulations for Operation and Constitution of University Libraries” and “The Regulations for Operation and Constitution of Junior College Libraries” Yet, the appointment of college/university librarians is diverse in the individual college/university. This study aims to examine the role of librarians on the base of institutional characters, scales of the institutes, and the hierarchy of library in order to identify the leadership styles of college/university librarians and understand its relationship with the factors including the implement a learning center, improving services and upgrading professions. 88 out of 94 effective questionnaires are returned, with 93.61% return rate. Statistics analytics of cross analyze, Chi-square Test, t Test, independent variable are applied. This study discovers not only the personal leadership characters as gender, age, education, experience, and profession but also institutional characters as state-owned or private, and the hierarchy of library are indistinguishable while the economic scale and institutional goals on the development of library are distinguishable and the leadership styles and the role of librarians have extremely distinguishable impact on the development of libraries in colleges/universities of technology. This findings suggest: (1) allocate library fund for resources only, (2) college/university librarians’ retraining in duty, (3) value the role of college/university librarians, and (4) promote library-industry educational collaboration. Suggestions for further studies shall focus on research targets, continuing search, research methods, and relative research to upgrade to the overall status of libraries.技專校院圖書館館長圖書館發展Colleges/Universities of TechnologyLibrary DirectorLibrary Development技專校院圖書館館長角色扮演與圖書館發展關係之研究The Impact of Library Directors' Leadership Role on Library Development in Colleges/Universities of Technology