田秀蘭Hsiu-Lan Tien楊雯燕Wen-Yen Yang2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694010449%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90922本研究的目的是以Hill夢工作模式探索失落者的夢境內容,從中帶出失落者的失落經驗與哀悼歷程並呈現失落者的夢工作歷程。研究對象為三位具有失落經驗並對夢境探索感到好奇的研究參與者,研究者以夢工作模式協助失落者探索自己、洞察內在世界運作並進而改變夢境與生活。本研究以敘說分析為研究方法,分析治療歷程中,研究參與者的夢境內容、失落經驗、哀悼歷程與夢工作歷程。 研究結果發現透過探索夢境,研究參與者會自然的與失落經驗連結。失落經驗的產生是因人們對重要他人或外在期待落空,進而產生許多複雜的情緒。人們發展許多認知與行為模式來調適失落經驗,而因應失落的方式將廣泛影響生活的各層面。其次,在夢工作歷程中發現,若能營造安全的晤談關係與氣氛,夢將成為探索自我的有力素材。隨著夢工作三階段的進展,三位研究參與者在探索階段,開始連結到失落或生活經驗;而在洞察階段深入探索其失落議題如何影響其情緒、認知與行為,進而鬆動其內在對世界的假設認知架構,重新建構對失落的意義;最後,在行動階段根據其洞察來改變其夢境與生活。最後,依據研究結果提出對實務工作與未來研究方向等方面的建議。The purposes of the study were (1) to explore the dream experiences of the dreamers with loss experiences; and (2) to process the dreamers’ grief and loss experiences through the Hill’s dream work model. Participants were three females with loss and grief dream experiences. Their dream contents, loss experiences, grief work, and the process of dream work were analyzed utilizing narrative analysis. The results indicated that people who suffered loss experience spontaneously connected their dream to their loss experience. Loss experience was generated when people did not gain what they expected to gain, and thus resulted in complicated emotions. In order to cope with the loss experiences, people developed cognitions and behaviors which have wider impacts in different aspects of their life. Moreover, providing that the therapeutic relationship was safe, the discussion about dream became a beneficial means which helps the participants to explore their life. Regarding the participant’s process of Dream Work, in the exploration stage, the participants used dreams to explore their loss experience or other important issues. In the insight stage, the participants further investigated the way the loss experience influenced their emotions and thoughts and reframed the meaning of their loss experience. Finally, the participants tried to make change to their dreams and life based on the insights gained from the understanding of their loss experience at the action stage. Suggestions for counseling work and future research were also provided in this study.夢哀傷失落夢工作敘事分析DreamGriefLossDream WorkNarrative Analysis失落者夢工作歷程的敘事分析Narrative Analysis : The Dream Work Process of the People with Loss