國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所Fong, Ricci W.-T.Lee, John C.-K.Chang, C. Y.Zhang, Z.Ngai, Alexandra C.-Y.Lim, C. P.2014-12-022014-12-022014-01-011096-7516http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42496This paper examined the perceptions of academic and teaching staff about digital teaching portfolio to inform how implementation strategies in higher education can be made more effective. In light of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), a 38-item scale was adapted to tap into eight dimensions of their perceptions toward digital teaching portfolio, namely, Perceived Usefulness for Personal Benefit, Perceived Usefulness for Social Benefit, Ease of Use, Issues of Concern about Time, Issues of Concern about Technology and Support, Intention to Use Portfolio, and Computer Efficacy in using digital teaching portfolio by Self-Exploration, and Computer Efficacy in using digital teaching portfolio with Professional Guidance. A total of 132 teaching staff from two tertiary institutions from Hong Kong and Taiwan completed the questionnaire. The findings offer insights into how strategies for implementing digital teaching portfolio can be made more effective when the target users' perceptions are taken into account. Implications regarding how buy-in can be established and how institutional policies and culture can play a role in facilitating the outcomes of the implementation would be discussed.Digital teaching portfolioHigher educationTeacher perceptions of technology useTechnology implementationDigital teaching portfolio in higher education: Examining colleagues' perceptions to inform implementation strategies