鄔佩麗Wu, Pei-Li盧睿亭Lu, Jui-Ting2019-08-282020-07-242019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060201061E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90560  本研究採取質性當中的敘事研究法作為資料蒐集與進行分析歷程,透過異性婚男同志的獨特生命故事,以及研究者的理解與詮釋,進而了解研究參與者在面對進入異性戀婚姻後,卻選擇向其所組家庭進行出櫃的歷程。研究者以立意取樣邀請了兩位願意參與和分享出櫃歷程的研究參與者們,運用半結構式的訪談大綱個別進行了兩次深度訪談,並將研究參與者的訪談內容謄寫為逐字稿後,為呈現研究參與者的角度,研究者以研究參與者為第一人稱的角度撰寫其生命故事,再以敘事分析法當中的「整體-內容」形式進行分析。   本研究發現,異性婚男同志欲向其所組家庭進行出櫃之歷程,可歸諸於以下階段,包含:(1)異性戀霸權對於男性角色的影響與壓迫、(2)隱藏真實身分為自己及家庭所帶來的代價、(3)當完成身負的角色任務後,隨之而來的是想要呈現真實自我的想法,以及(4)最後的出櫃契機點,皆因某件意外事件的來臨。   再者,本研究發現,異性婚男同志決定向其所組家庭進行出櫃前經歷了許多的心理掙扎,包含在兩位研究參與者的心中,皆對於出櫃此舉曾有過千百回合的拉扯,以及最終能看見這樣才是最真實的自己,因此明白上天賦予自身之生命本質特殊的意義。 而關於異性婚男同志面對出櫃當下之情況與挑戰時的因應之道,兩位研究參與者皆運用了個人所擁有的內在及外在資源,幫助自己面對這些不可全盤預期的情況。   最後,研究者根據上述的研究結果與發現,分別針對心理專業實務工作者、曾經進入或目前依舊處在異性戀婚姻中的男同志們、異性婚男同志身旁的家人及至親朋友,以及未來的研究提出建議。  This study adopted qualitative narrative research method as the process of data collection and analysis, and was aimed to find out the psychological process of coming out to the family in the heterosexual marriage, based on the unique life story of heterosexual gay men, as well as the researcher’s understanding and interpretation. By using purposive sampling, two participants who were willing to share their experience of coming out were involved in this study. Each participant conducted two sections of semi-structure individual depth interview respectively, and the research further analyzed the transcripts. In order to depicted the participants' unique perspective, their life stories was stated with a first-person narrator, and was analyzed via the holistic-content approach based on narrative research.   According to the study, motivations for gay men in heterosexual marriage to come out could be resulted in the following four stages: (1) influence and oppression of heterosexual hegemony on male role, (2) the concealment of the homosexual identity, (3) the desire to present the true self after completing their tasks and roles, and (4) an unexpected incident as an inspiration.   Furthermore, the study indicated that gay men in heterosexual marriage had being struggling psychologically before coming out, including two participants. They both underwent the conflicts and paradoxes, eventually embraced the real self, and viewing the experience as an extraordinary gift given by the God.   With regard to how gay men in heterosexual marriage cope with the difficulties of coming out, two participants both fully used their internal and external resources to help them face such unforeseen circumstances.   Last but not least, the researcher concluded multiple suggestions to psychology related professions, gay men who used to / currently in heterosexual marriage, as well as their family and friends, and future related researches.異性婚男同志家庭出櫃歷程敘事研究FamilyGay men in heterosexual marriageNarrative researchProcess of coming out異性婚男同志向其所組家庭出櫃歷程之敘事研究The Narrative Research on Coming out Process of Gay Men in Heterosexual Marriage to the Family